Powell Regrets Iraq Weapons Claim for War


Marxists - Socialists
Jun 15, 2004
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Madison, Wisconsin, United States
By HARRY R. WEBER, Associated Press Writer

ATLANTA - Secretary of State Colin Powell (news - web sites) said Friday he regrets the Bush administration claimed that Iraq (news - web sites) had stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction in its argument for war, but he believes the world is better off without Saddam Hussein


Looks like the Bush camp man be falling apart.

What was the message today about the White House writing the speech for the Iraq PM. Hmmmm... looks like a little puppet.
mespock said:
Looks like the Bush camp man be falling apart.
I'm sorry, but admitting a mistake is now a sign of falling apart? If Bush was such a liar and conspirator, why weren't WMD stockpile's planted?

Bush-haters: "Mr. President, all we want from you is an admission that mistakes were made."
Bush: "I regret to say that there was a mistake."
Bush-haters: "You stupid idiot!!!! I hate you!!!!! I had no respect for you before, and I have even less respect for you now!!!!!"
mespock said:
What was the message today about the White House writing the speech for the Iraq PM. Hmmmm... looks like a little puppet.
You tell me, where was it at. Or was this just another baseless accusation that you're happy to repeat.
No, it is. I think Powell is still there out of a sense of duty and commitment. I really think he is totally unhappy working for this clown.

And the president didnt admit anything. Powell has more integrity in his little finger then GW has in his whole body.

And why werent WMD's planted? that argument is just dumb. THere are no WMD, there were no WMD. SO bush either lied or was swindled. Either way, he needs to go.
Joeychgo said:
And why werent WMD's planted? that argument is just dumb. THere are no WMD, there were no WMD. SO bush either lied or was swindled. Either way, he needs to go.
It's no dumber than the crap that Bush has been accused of that the lefty lemmings eat with fervor. If WMD's had been found, I guarantee that some conspiracy wacko would have accused Bush of planting them somehow and you would have believed it.

The Bush camp falling apart? Please, reality check. It was Kerry's side that was in red alert for the past month. This win in the debate certainly perked you up, didn't it? The truth is that you were the quiet one for the last couple of weeks, Joey, but I'm not trying to rub your nose in it. :steering See you at the after election party!
Kbob said:
The truth is that you were the quiet one for the last couple of weeks, Joey, but I'm not trying to rub your nose in it.
I'd be happy to rub his nose in it.

Ya, he kind of disappeared in retreat but now feels all empowered again. Looks like it is time to slap him down again.

And I won't even post all the examples that Kerry has mentioned WMD's in Iraq, just to be nice.
yeah, ive been quiet, but watching.

Ive been working on the tech section. Its been redesigned, and a whole bunch more articles have been added (mostly on the CTS. Takes some time to do, it can take me 2-3 hours just to do one article.

I should have the redesigned section up in about a week. See you at Kerry's Celebration party!
Oh, so that's your excuse. "I have been working on the tech section". Boy, talk about a lame excuse.

BTW, I know you'll still do the right thing and punch that chad for Bush.
What I did watch of the debates showed me that Bush is still the same person at least. Kerry is like a completely different candidate than seen in the Democratic convention, even more different than the primary season candidate and most certainly not the same as as all his years as Senator. :F
MonsterMark said:
Oh, so that's your excuse. "I have been working on the tech section". Boy, talk about a lame excuse.

BTW, I know you'll still do the right thing and punch that chad for Bush.

Even if I did - wont make a difference, Kerry wins Illinois - Wisconsen too.
Joeychgo said:
Even if I did - wont make a difference, Kerry wins Illinois - Wisconsen too.
sKerry can have ill-annoys-me. We'll even donate all our sKerry fans up here in Wisconsin (notice the spelling) to you guys.

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