Power Adders


Dedicated LVC Member
Jul 20, 2005
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I couldn't find the old thread Quick had going about putting on the supercharger. I was wondering how that was going. Also, since the new mustang runs off the same computer system, then the new 4.6 should be a viable candidate for an engine swap. I was wondering what people thoguht about the engine going into the GT500. Does anyone know if it would even fit? Thanks.
Here was the the last update:

the parts are now in my garage and look good.

I am now planning the next steps:
- moving the trottle - swapping the cables, electircal, ....
- re-routing the vacuum lines
- re-routing the cooling lines,
- dealing with the erg valve
- dealing with the CHT sensor
- re-work the intake tube
Awesome. What's the projected power gains with this install?
total up to us - it is right now geared for about 5psi.

should make about 80 - 100hp.
Anyone know of any projects swapping the 3.9 for the 4.6?
We have talked about it before - the new engine is likely very expensive, then add the trannie, rearend, ...etc - might as well just bought the new car.

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