Power steering line confusion?!?


LVC Member
Jun 11, 2014
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Virginia Beach
Was hoping someone could help me out with this. I need to replace some of my power steering hoses due to leakage on my '02 3.9. I need two hoses:
--High Pressure Line From Rack to Cooler
--Low Pressure Line from Cooler to Reservior

My repair shop quoted me $900. Not that I can't afford it, I would just prefer not to pay it and I have some time off next week, so I figured why not try to fix it myself.

Anyone with experience care to throw me a bone? Like how tough of a job this is. I've already replaced the pressure switch myself. I posted in another thread, but got no response.
Should I just replace all of the hoses since I'm going to be doing this? I understand there are 4. I copied these parts from the other thread:

power steering pressure lower hose (3F524)
power steering pressure hose (3E576)
power steering reservoir pump hose (3E525)
power steering return hose (3A713)

Can I get these at O'Reilly or Autozone? Do I have to get them from the dealer? I have no idea on how to look these up other than google. I found them on a site called YOYO part.

Last question is if I should only replace the two hoses that need it, then which ones are they exactly.
--High Pressure Line From Rack to Cooler

No such animal.

Suction (low pressure) hose
High pressure hose
Low pressure hose
Low pressure hose

The only high pressure hose is the one between the pump and the rack. The high pressure hose has fittings at each end (and may have a pressure sensor in the middle). The low pressure hoses use clamps.
I ordered these hoses and the coupling from O'Reilly. Could you tell me if this seems right?

Hayden - Steering Cooler Coupling: 250 1 Ship $4.99
Hayden - Steering Oil Cooler Hose: 105 2 Ship $29.98
MasterPro Power Steering Hose - Pressure Line Assembly: 80598 1 Ship $22.99
MasterPro Power Steering Hose - Pressure Line Assembly: 92113 1 Ship $38.99
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