power window question


Well-Known LVC Member
Aug 6, 2005
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Okay, i got a question about my passanger power window switch. I want the window to go down like the drivers side automatic tap. Do i need to replace it with the drivers side switch, or is their more detail to doing this mod?
autoloc makes a one touch window regulator that you can wire into your existing switch
Markviiiedrea said:
Or you can get the relay out of an other mark and wire it in to the pass window button

That is what I did. I have one touch windows on both the passenger side and the drivers side. I got the one touch window unit off of ebay for like $10 and installed it in my car. If you purchase one and need the wiring I can help ya out.

Oh....stay AWAY from AutoLoc. I have had nothing but trouble from anything that I have purchased from them.....and their customer support leaves ALOT to be yearned for.
Yea if you got a wire diagram that I can wire that solenoid that I got off e-bay in.
That would be great
Thanks ray

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