The autobaan is not all its cracked up to be.
I've lived in germany for a month or two and I thought I would be racing through on the highways at crazy speeds.
You dont have to worry alot about the italian cars.....
Its the german cars you have to worry about because they own the road.
hear are most of my tips about Driving in germany from a post I did earlier this year.
1.)Bicycles have the same rights as cars
2.)so do animals (run over the family cat and you could be fined.)
3.)There is no turning right on red, unless there is a black cardboard square with a green arrow to the right.
4.)Stoplights are actually drag trees. When at the red light, the light will go from red, to yellow, to green... That so people can get their cars into gear.
5.)The phrase, 'green means go,yellow means go faster, and red means go like a bat outta hell' really applies. If you slow down for the yellow, someone will likely be ruining the rear end of your car.
6.)Germans have different tires for different seasons. Summer tires for summer and winter tires for winter. Do not be caught driving in the summer with winter tires, or vice versa. If you have an accident, and even if the guy ran into you, it will be automatically your fault because of your tires.
7.)There is no such thing as police brutality. If a cop asks to take a blood sample from you for a alcohol test, it is in your best intrest to comply. If you say no, he will still get his sample....just not with a needle....
8.) Traffic cones, trash cans, street signs, or anything else can be used to nail you for speeding. They install cameras in them, that will take a picture from the front and back of your car. And mail you the ticket. If you are driving down the autobahn and see a box with a red lense on it, make sure you are doing the speed limit. They are more prevelant in areas that have no speed and then drop to 50 mph, and then back to no speed.
9.)if you are going slower than 90mph on the autobahn, most likely you will be continuosly passed by semis towing 2 trailers.
10.)Tailgating is a sport here. It is also not uncomming to see the above semis have a distance of less than 3 feet between the trailer, and the cab behind him. Same applies for cars.
11.)Giving someone the bird will cost you around 350 euros...$390 USD. (experience talking)
12.)There are different kinds of streets here with their own speed limits. You have city streets with a speed limit of 50kph, you have outter roads (bundestrasse) ( like Hwy 109) where the speed limit is 100 kph, or the autobahn (unlimited unless otherwise posted) Any of these roads will have the above mentions speed traps.
13.)If you run out of gas on the autobahn, it is about 140 dollar ticket and 2 points on your license.
14.)If you have a lowered car, you will not be able to go over speed bumps unless you do not like your current exhaust system.
15.) Ausfahrt means exit and not a town that the arrow is pointing to. Common phrase among americans is 'where the hell is Ausfarht in Germany...Been driving around in circles!'
16) Germany is one of the few countries that someone can pass a cop doing 145 Kph (about 90 mph) and not get a ticket. This is only on the unrestricted parts of the autobaan.
17) There's somewhat of a pecking order amongst cars, in which VWs cede to Audis, which cede to BMWs, which cede to Mercedes, which cede to the kings of the road, Porsches. If you drive a car not listed above (Skoda, Seat, Renault, Citroen, Peugeot, american non-V8's) Stay in the right lane with all the other semi trucks. If you happen to be in the left lane and you see a Porsche about 1/4 mile away just crank the wheel and hope you got over in time.
18) The have these things called a stau. (pronounced stow). these make american traffic jams look like clear sailing. These stau's can stretch as far as 30+ miles. Fog is ususally what causes it. The fog is STUPID THICK over there. I've been in my car and not see the car 2 feet behind me. Its more like smoke than water fog.
19) Unless you live in the country and you work in the city dont get excited about blowing the doors off of any Merc's. At every exit there is a speed reduction zone.
20) after about 120mph your insurance is invaild. If you wreak or wreak someone else at 120mph+ you are not covered under ANY insurance.
21) Plan to make the mark a VERY weekend car. The gas prices $6 U.S. A GALLON. So your looking at $100 to fill up. and thats pretty low.
22) German's tax their cars based on the liter displacement of your engine. Since the mark VIII has a 4.6 your in the same tax bracket as the big 5L+ V8 AMG Merc's So plan to have a VERY LARGE tax bill when you inport the car.
23) You think the "smog Naiz" are bad in cali, where do you think they got the term from. The are REALLY strict about emmissions and you will be tested upon import.