President Bush just ----- Blinked.


Staff member
Mar 2, 2004
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Chicago, IL
FAIRFAX, Virginia (CNN) -- President Bush on Tuesday invited lawmakers of both parties to the White House to discuss the impasse on funding the Iraq war, as neither side showed signs of backing down.

White House spokeswoman Dana Perino told reporters next week's talks would be discussions and "not a negotiation," while Democratic House and Senate leaders demanded a meeting without "preconditions."

(portion edited out)
Answering Bush's invitation with a written statement, Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada, and Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California agreed to meet with the president "at any time."

The statement also said "any discussion of an issue as critical as Iraq must be accomplished by conducting serious negotiations without any preconditions. Our goal should be to produce an Iraq supplemental bill that both fully funds our troops and gives them a strategy for success."
Since when does negotiating with adversaries mean one is ready to capitulate? Sounds like wishful thinking!
He's not even negotiating with them, just inviting them to the White House to talk about it.

White House spokeswoman Dana Perino told reporters next week's talks would be discussions and "not a negotiation"

Bush isn't a guy who is inclined to sway in the breeze or respond to bully tactics. To the contrary, when he knows he's right and the issue is important, he'll dig in regardless the political consequences.

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