Presidential Quiz...Take the Time to Take it.

IT said McCain was my best pick at a score of 50

Romney: 46
Ron Paul: 38
Huckabee: 31
Obama: 6
Gravel: 5
Hillary: 1

The poll seemed pretty niave to me. I agree with a lot of what McCain says...if you only look at his most conservative statements and take them at face value. If you know his record you can't do this.

In fact, according to this quiz, all the candidates (including the democrats) think pay should be tied to performance of the students. No democrat would ever allow this.
Obama 21 same on 5 points Hiterly same as Obama McCain 24 same on 6 points Mitt 34 same on 9 points Hummm too bad Mitt is out.

I thought the Quiz covered some of the most hot points not bad for a quick quiz.
Paul: 63

McCain: 55

Huck: 37

Mitt: 32

Gravel: 2

Obama: 2

Hillary: 1

This is totally biased toward McCain. It says I agree with him on stem cell research and I absolutely do not. It also lies about his position on the environment.
Did the test, had Ron Paul at top and Gravel and Hillbilly at bottom - not that it matters much - im not allowed to vote! :(
Romney 39
Gravel 28
Obama 28
McCain 26
Clinton 25
Paul 18
Huckabee 8

It isnt accurate by any means. It says I disagree with huckabee on taxes and I dont - I agree with him completely on that one.
Yeah, the poll picks and chooses what positions to credit the candidates as having. McCains has been on both sides on a number of those issues, but they are only ascribing the most conservative poistions to him.
I wouldn't say its biased, but the way they constructed the poll is screwy.

For instance: First question I answered "U.S. forces need to stay in Iraq for as long as it takes for Iraqi forces to take over."
And it says I disagree with Huckabee on the War in Iraq. Huckabee's position on the war in Iraq is posted on his web site and it says "I am focused on winning. Withdrawal would have serious strategic consequences for us and horrific humanitarian consequences for the Iraqis."
How is that disagreeing?

On Immigration it said I disagree with Huckabee, My answer was "I favor stiff fines for employers who hire illegal immigrants, a security fence along the border, and a denial of citizenship to children born here of parents who are in the U.S. illegally. I oppose any form of amnesty." Now I don't know about the denial of citizenship to children of illegals born here, but that was the closest answer to my position.
Hucks website:
"I oppose and will not tolerate employers who hire illegals. They must be punished with fines and penalties so large that they will see it is not worth the risk."
"Securing our borders must be our top priority and has reached the level of a national emergency." Again, how is that a disagreement?

Says I disagree with Huck on the Bush tax cuts. I think they should be made permanent. Huckabee website says: "I support making the Bush tax cuts (set to expire in 2010) permanent."

Mitt Romney 56
John McCain 54
Ron Paul 42
Mike Huckabee 40
Hillary Clinton 19
Barack Obama 19
Mike Gravel 12
McCain 54
Romney 46
Huckabee 37
Paul 28
Clinton 16
Obama 16
Gravel 8

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