Problems with HCCV on 2000 LS


LVC Member
Jun 21, 2014
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Two questions for today ---
Can the HCCV cause overheating on my LS 2000?
Does anyone have a good HCCV diagnostics or procedures for checking and R&R for the HCCV?
I am not getting hot air flow from my inside vents.
You will get much better search results if you call it the correct thing, DCCV (Dual Coolant Control Valve).

The DCCV can cause overheating if it is leaking very badly, but this is rare. It is much, much, more likely that you are having the common problem that most on here have had. It causes overheating and the heater to not work. Your plastic cooling system parts have aged and now have tiny cracks that are letting air into the system. Air prevents circulation, so the engine overheats and the heater stops. Replace the degas bottle, the thermostat housing, the water outlet tube, and the upper and lower radiator hoses (they have plastic sections), and correctly bleed it and you should be okay. You will also want to check the radiator (also plastic) closely for any leaks or cracks (usually on the passenger side, since that is the hot side).
Correct bleeding:

This has been covered about a thousand times, so if you search, you will get more details.
Thanks for the answer.
My typo of the HCCV for DCCV
I have considered you the GURU of the Lincoln LS's for several years.
Every question or problem I have investigated, you have had the correct answer.
I have have followed everyone's recommended bleeding system recommendations.

I have changed all plastic cooling system parts to the "jaguar" aluminum parts.
I have installed a new thermostat, new hoses, new radiator, etc.
As you say, "its all been covered very well by LVC members". ESPECIALLY You.

Have never seen any leaking around the DCCV valve.
Concerning my problem of no cabin heat, most LVC threads direct me to the DCCV and under the dash motors and vent actuators.

Have COMPLETELY researched changing out the hydraulic fan with an electrical one; however, my hydraulic fan seems to be functioning OK. Hydraulic pump is working fine.

I have the mulitmeter reading I have picked up from the CHT sensor. I will send to you in a separate email or thread. I need you to interpret them for me.

I change the degas bottle about eighteen months ago. I see no leaks from it. And never have.

Really appreciate you vast knowledge of the Lincoln LS.

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