PS3 Question.


Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 8, 2004
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Southern New Jersey.
Been out of console gaming since the PS2 debut.

Whats the deal with the PS3, the next door's Kid says get the cheapest versin of 20gb and buy a bigger 2.5 inch HD like a 160 or better?

And this is easy nad cheaper then the 160gb? He said all the new 160gb version is just more space and nothing more. This is going in my Home Theater and I really want it for the Blu Ray, every single review says its as good as the HIGH end BR players if not better plus I can game, seems like win, win with the 20gb and buy an hd? Anyone done this mod?
Also I am building a custom birchwood rack in the closet and I will be running a RF remote. Can the RF remote work the PS3? Does this mod affect warranty?
i JUST bought the new PS3 with the 120gb HDD. I like the ps3 because it has its own wireless network card so no need to run cords to your BR player to update the effing thing. what i have is a 50" philips plasma with my ps3 and a Philips 1000 watt home theatre system and the thing :q:q:q:qing delivers. you want to get a Digital audio cord for sound and a high end HDMI cord for best results. the BR player on it is really good way better then the one on my home theatre system and then having the bonus of if you get bored being able to play GTA IV or Gran Turismo or something. You can get the 120gb PS3 for 299$ at futureshop or bestbuy or something no problem. Also, beats the :q:q:q:q outta the 360 in my own personal experience.
I was just going to HDMI into the back of the reciever then HDMI out to the TV, this is how it's been planned.

I was also told to at least get the 80gb PS3 because its the latest and best one? Then upgrade the drive from there. Will I really need 160gb? How many games can you really save? Ill be playing very minimally too? Trying to go the cheapest route for the best bang for the buck.
i JUST bought the new PS3 with the 120gb HDD. I like the ps3 because it has its own wireless network card so no need to run cords to your BR player to update the effing thing. what i have is a 50" philips plasma with my ps3 and a Philips 1000 watt home theatre system and the thing :q:q:q:qing delivers. you want to get a Digital audio cord for sound and a high end HDMI cord for best results. the BR player on it is really good way better then the one on my home theatre system and then having the bonus of if you get bored being able to play GTA IV or Gran Turismo or something. You can get the 120gb PS3 for 299$ at futureshop or bestbuy or something no problem. Also, beats the :q:q:q:q outta the 360 in my own personal experience.

Totoally wireless? COOL!!
Best bang for the buck is the new 120gb one, and the bonus is its a nice flat black not metallic and its quite abit smaller, you will never use the whole 120gigs. a saved game takes up TOPS like 30mb but in gta iv it takes 3 gigs. But yeah go with the 120 gig one, itll be more then what you need and from what i see its teh best deal. oh yeah your ps3 hooks up to your network like a laptop would its pretty sweet. it has a full internet browser, and you can plug in a usb keyboard/mouse and it will work fine. so you could go on LVC, youtube, facebook etc.
Originally Playstation came out with the 20 and 60 gig.
20 gig not retro compatible and no wi-fi connectabilty
60 gig had retro capability and was wireless
they phased out those and put out the 40 and 80 gig
neither was retro capable and i am not sure if the 40 gig had wirelss or not.
They phased out the 40 gig and the 80 became the smaller then they launcged the 160 gig.
As we speak the current options are the bigger body 160 gig
or the new "slim" 120 gig.
If I were you I would snag the slim for 299. It has everything the previous editions had but it is smaller and cheaper (i gave 599 for my 60 gig back then).
I hope this helps for the price of the slim you can't go wrong. I am actually going to be picking up a slim to serve as my upstairs dvd/blu player because of how great my older PS3 is.
As far as memory I play games maybe 20% of the time and after i beat the game i usually delete the file. I have never been anywhere near full on a 60 gig. but they are making it so you can download movies and things off of PS network so those might take up a little more space.
Get the slim you can't go wrong.
also here is a video of how to change out your hard drive

YouTube - change ps3 hard drive
I say get the 160 and call it a day. I have a 40 gig and I'm nowhere close to filling it up. Plus, if you get the 160 you don't have to worry about swapping out hard drives and possibly voiding the warranty. Also, to Luebbe, the 40 gig is wireless. I just choose not to use it because my internet connection is slow, and I get better results on COD with the PS3 hardwired.
idk im wondering that too im guessing radio frequency? meaning like you can use it from a far distance like a high end universal remote.
Its just RF instead of IR. Link

I would need to have something exposed in the room to capture IR whereas I can bury the equipment in the basement if I wanted to and still use one remote.

The recievers GUI will handle ALL the onscreen and everything will be through it except the PS3, but with the programmable RF remote I can use that for the PS3 and PS# is RF capable (160gb).
As far as I know, there is no difference in the types of remotes you can use in any PS3. you can buy a remote for it, which is $25 bucks I think. The remote might use bluetooth as the game controllers do.

Also Get the SLIM
Cant use remotes with the slim, just watched a video on Cnet. Im getting an ultra high enf touch screen Ligitec RF remote.
IDK about after market remotes but I just got the 120gb PS3 last month and love it. Its remotes are RF. It came with one and I bought another. I also saw an optional remote (tv style) theyhas available forit but I dontmind using the controller for it.
Also it does not include the HDMI cable. The larger 160 version includes the cable and a game as well.
I have GT5 Prolouge and love the game. Just finnished everything but the dealers events so far. :D
Funny how they claim the PS3 is so much better than the 360 yet Sony had to phase out so many models to keep up with consumer demand.
I just bought the 120gb slim on Sunday and love it. It has it's ups and downs. To be clear I own both a PS3, an XBox 360 pro and I just sold my Wii.

The PS3 has the best graphics bar none! It is wireless, has ample storage (120gb), has a cool home feature (like the sims), and has blu ray.

On the down side the controller size wise is built for children or keebler elves. It's terribly uncomfortable to use and button placement is horrid. You can buy extensions for the R2&L2 button for $5 at best buy so your fingers don't slip off. Another dumb thing is they for whatever reason use R1 for the fire button as opposed to R2 on every other system. This also makes for uncomfortable gaming, and most games don't allow for you to change the configuration via a options menu.

Xbox 360 has good graphics (although not as crisp as PS3), the controller is the best out of any console to date, and the online marketplace is much better than PS3's.

The downside is the internet is not wireless, you have to pay $50 a year to use the online service, I've had 4 break on me via the infamous red ring of death...did I mention it breaks a lot?!

Wii is a novelty act that is cool for the first few months then is unused after that. Less than 15% of the games are rated above a 5 out of 10, and the graphics are last gen. I sold mine because it became a dust collector.

Hope this helps Geno.

Edit: Jwerner they had to phase out models to keep up with the 360 because of price point. People weren't willing to shell out $400+ for a gaming system, only hardcore gamers were. It wasn't the 360 was superior, it's all about the benjamins!
wat harmony remote are you getting? i do home theaters for a living and have used alot of remotes on the ps3. personally i like the universal mx-810. its easier to program and more user friendly. ive never had a problem programming a remote to any ps3. i will be purchasing an mx-3000 soon but for now my living room has a harmony 890. if you get this remote you will have to replace it every year as it spazzes out and also warps and doesnt charge well on the base station. just my 2 cents
Edit: Jwerner they had to phase out models to keep up with the 360 because of price point. People weren't willing to shell out $400+ for a gaming system, only hardcore gamers were. It wasn't the 360 was superior, it's all about the benjamins!

It was about poor decision making. They could have gone down that rout from the start but once they realized the 360 has more to offer out the box is when they kept swapping.

I dont know about the graphics either. Some Sony exclusive games maybe but thats cause it has no comparison and the only thing PS3 has to offer over 360 is free online play. The online play for the 360 is far superior and as I told people in the past, you can go online and DL tunneling software ( XBConnect )to use for the 360 and get free online play for most online games.

I also say if its a PS3 that you must have get the 120gb.

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