Pulling my engine


Active LVC Member
Aug 27, 2005
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Mount Pleasant
so i was dumb and tried to sell my brother my car, he didn't pay so my other brother took it upson himself to give it to his best friend to buy it. well it's been.....well, a long time, 7 months. the point it, he broker the timing chain, how does that happen, did that moron do something to make it do so or does it just HAPPEN?

i'm pulling the engine and tranny to fix the timing chains and have a guy rebuild the tranny.

what seals and things should i change while i have the engine out or should i just take it and have it rebuilt while it's out. and how much does it cost to have rebuilt? there's that ticking noise so i think that is something that needs to be taken care of sooner than later.

Also, what does it usualy cost if i wanted to have someone rebuild my tranny or at least fix reverse (my lil broke that).

Damn, WTF did this kid do to the car? :shifty:

what seals and things should i change while i have the engine out or should i just take it and have it rebuilt while it's out. and how much does it cost to have rebuilt? there's that ticking noise so i think that is something that needs to be taken care of sooner than later.

To be honest, I think you'll be better off buying a used low mileage Mark VIII motor from eBay or a boneyard. That'll run you around $500-700 + frieght. You can save freight by staying local and picking-up. Then, recover some of the cost by either selling the engine assembly as a whole, or break it into parts. You can probably net at least $300 on Corral or some other Stang site for the aluminum block alone. Then, sell the heads, timing cover, valve covers, crossover tubes, etc, etc. etc. seperate. Find yourself a Cobra intake, slap that sucker on, and drop the new(er) motor in you car.

Also, what does it usualy cost if i wanted to have someone rebuild my tranny or at least fix reverse (my lil broke that).

As for the tranny, find yourself a 2001 4R70W from a Mustang GT (and only a Mustang GT). Before you intall it, J-mod it and add an additional fluid cooler. Rebuilding will cost more than a junkyard buy. My friend is a tranny tech and 4R70W rebuilds usually go for over $1,000. You can find a used one from various sources for half price.
See Geno about rebuilding your trans ...his are bullet proof and prob cheaper than your local guy.
thanks very much for the help! sorry i haven't been able to respond, i've been out of town, good times. anyway, i think i will definitly do as you said. now does the mustang gt trans work any better, shift any different, or is it just an updated trans that will fit my mark. i found a tranny for 500 and also an engine for the same. (it runs;) now lets say i was to keep my current engine, which i'm not, i definitly want to replace it, what would it cost me to replace the timing chains and how much work. i'd like to know just so i can justify making these purchases. ALSO where can i get a j-mod kit and what is the "additional fluid cooler"?

thanks much for the help
how does the mustang gt trans work any better, shift any different, or is it just an updated trans that will fit my mark.

The 2001+ 4R's are updated with better internal components and fluid transfer- and yes, they do shift slightly better than previous model years thanks to those improvements. The more important reason I mentioned the Mustang GT one is two reasons: one, the V6 Essex Stang's tranny has a different bolt pattern and weaker internals. Two; other 4R70W's such as those from Town Cars have longer tailshaft components that need to be transfered out. The GT 4R's just make life easier. Another option is truck 4R's- as they have better internals as well. See the TCCoA article on installing a newer 4R into a 98 and below vehicle.

ALSO where can i get a j-mod kit and what is the "additional fluid cooler"?

For a 2001 4R, all you do is remove the valve body, and drill a couple of holes. Then, remove a couple of accumulator springs. That's it. The J-mod is pretty much free- just add new Mercon V. The fluid cooler I'm talking about is an auxilliary tranny fluid cooler. It prolongs the tranny's life by keping that Mercon fluid cool under load. There are several good brands; such as Tru-Cool and Hayden. Thery can be had for less than $125- cheap insurance, and I ALWAY recommended one, no matter what. If you need the J-Mod drill specs for the 2001 4R, let me know, as they've changed a bit from the TCCoA article.

what would it cost me to replace the timing chains and how much work.

That's a tough one. I really have no idea. If I could take an educated guess on what a dealer would charge you, I'd have to say...

materialboi said:
what would it cost me to replace the timing chains and how much work. i'd like to know just so i can justify making these purchases.
thanks much for the help

there is no replacing just the chains the 4.6 is an interferance engine, meaning that when the chain breaks the cams stop turning and hold some valves open,causing the piston to smack the valve and bending/breaking the valve and/or cracking the cyl head or the piston, its never cheap
While you have the engine out, take time to put several more coats of paint on your oil pan; to keep it from rusting.

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