Pully ballencing


Dedicated LVC Member
Dec 21, 2004
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I got a whine in my belt or pullies or somthin (in my 87 monte) i know its mark room, but w/e. is there a way to ballence pullies, cuz i think thats what is causing it
Sure it isn't the alternator? Get a long screw driver or prybar and CAREFULLY rest it on the alt, then the water pump, power steering etc and you will hear exactly where its sourcing from.
Sure it isn't the alternator? Get a long screw driver or prybar and CAREFULLY rest it on the alt, then the water pump, power steering etc and you will hear exactly where its sourcing from.

i dont fully understand that explination?
MrWilson said:
i dont fully understand that explination?

Ok, it will be kind of like a stethescope.........Sort of.

You take the screwdriver, place it on the CASING.......NOT THE PULLEY while the car while it's idleing then place your ear up to the handle of the screwdriver. If your doing it correctly, you will be able to hear the harmonics of the engine ALOT better. Move from component to component, and which everone is the loudest, you have your culprit.

PLEASE be careful where your putting your fingers, and the screwdriver, I would HATE for someone to come on here with pictures of severed fingers, and a screwdriver lodged in thier head. This is a SURE FIRE way to get the answers you need, but be careful.

94m5 said:
Ok, it will be kind of like a stethescope.........Sort of.

You take the screwdriver, place it on the CASING.......NOT THE PULLEY while the car while it's idleing then place your ear up to the handle of the screwdriver. If your doing it correctly, you will be able to hear the harmonics of the engine ALOT better. Move from component to component, and which everone is the loudest, you have your culprit.

PLEASE be careful where your putting your fingers, and the screwdriver, I would HATE for someone to come on here with pictures of severed fingers, and a screwdriver lodged in thier head. This is a SURE FIRE way to get the answers you need, but be careful.


Oh, i already know that the pully is off, i can see it vibrating. About 1-2cm up and down. I need to know how to fix it. Im assuming that when i do that it will stop the car from screaming. But it does go away after a few hard revs. I am quite weary of doing the screw driver idea...will an actual stethascope work?
There is a mechanics stethescope that you can buy.....Sears has em I think.

What do you mean by "moving up and down?" Like from slop in the bearing?
94m5 said:
There is a mechanics stethescope that you can buy.....Sears has em I think.

What do you mean by "moving up and down?" Like from slop in the bearing?

perhaps, im not familear with the term slop, so i shall explain. When the pully would be ballenced, you would just see it spin on a single straight axis, mine is off that axis, and wobbeling about 1-2cm from center. Its like if you took a rod, and bent the end ever so slightly, and spun it...thats about what its like.
Mr Wilson, will you PLEASE use a DICTIONARY when you post a thread !
Which pulley?

BTW, using a piece of heater hose held up to your ear works pretty well as a stethoscope.
MrWilson said:
perhaps, im not familear with the term slop, so i shall explain. When the pully would be ballenced, you would just see it spin on a single straight axis, mine is off that axis, and wobbeling about 1-2cm from center. Its like if you took a rod, and bent the end ever so slightly, and spun it...thats about what its like.

If it was 1-2 Centemeters off axis, it would'nt spin, you'd just be throwing belts. I would just pull the belt off and unbolt the pulley, and spin the pulley on your finger. If you can feel the bearing grinding, thats your problem.


It takes too much time to try to read through, your posts. Take a little time to proof read before you submit, and this will go alot smoother.
94m5 said:
If it was 1-2 Centemeters off axis, it would'nt spin, you'd just be throwing belts. I would just pull the belt off and unbolt the pulley, and spin the pulley on your finger. If you can feel the bearing grinding, thats your problem.


It takes too much time to try to read through, your posts. Take a little time to proof read before you submit, and this will go alot smoother.

lets get a spell checker.
MrWilson said:
takse too mcuh tiame

So waht yuor tinlleg me taht yuor a lzay fcuk, see, smoe poelpe mghit mstikae you for bineg inrognat.
MrWilson said:
takse too mcuh tiame

So waht yuor tinlleg me is taht yuor a lzay fcuk, see, smoe poelpe mghit mstikae you for bineg inrognat.
Cubster said:
So waht yuor tinlleg me is taht yuor a lzay fcuk, see, smoe poelpe mghit mstikae you for bineg inrognat.

sye, i wont hide from the fact thati am a lzay fcuk.
MrWilson said:
sye, i wont hide from the fact thati am a lzay fcuk.

lol, I'd be MORE concerned that someone might think your ignorant, lazy can be fixed......lol
I don't think we need any name calling, but I suppose it gets the point across. I was only trying to point out, that I don't like needing to TRY to decipher someones post to try to help them out. I can tolerate a few mis-spellings, but when I need to go back through and re-read something, I am less prone to respond.

Just take a little extra time, proof read it, and everyone here will be thankful. If you want an easier way to do it, type your post out on Microsoft Word then spell check it, and copy and past it to the board.

Not trying to start a fight here, just some ideas.
94m5 said:
I don't think we need any name calling, but I suppose it gets the point across. I was only trying to point out, that I don't like needing to TRY to decipher someones post to try to help them out. I can tolerate a few mis-spellings, but when I need to go back through and re-read something, I am less prone to respond.

Just take a little extra time, proof read it, and everyone here will be thankful. If you want an easier way to do it, type your post out on Microsoft Word then spell check it, and copy and past it to the board.

Not trying to start a fight here, just some ideas.

Another one, READ WHAT I SAID BEFORE YOU ANSWER, I NEVER name called !!!! I have one thing and only one thing to say, Ignorance is BLISS !!!!!!!!!

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