Putin threatens to aim missiles


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May 17, 2005
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Santa Rosa, Ca
Russia's Putin threatens to aim missiles at Europe
President raises stakes in interview about U.S. anti-missile sites
The Canadian Press
Published: Sunday, June 03, 2007

TORONTO - Russian President Vladimir Putin is stepping up Cold War style rhetoric, threatening to aim potentially nuclear-armed missiles at Europe.

The Globe and Mail reports on its website that the conflict is over U.S. plans to build an eastern European anti-missile site aimed at downing any missiles that could be launched from Iran.

The Globe interviewed Putin at his summer home outside Moscow, ahead of next week's G-8 summit in Germany.

Putin says he considers the anti-missile plan a provocation aimed at his country.

He told the paper the system is a part of the American "strategic nuclear potential," which requires Russia to act to maintain the global strategic balance.

Asked how he might do that, Putin said he would return Russia to Cold War status where missiles were aimed at European targets.

"It is obvious that if part of the strategic nuclear potential of the United States is located in Europe, and according to our military experts will be threatening us, we will have to respond," he said.

"What kind of steps are we going to take in response? Of course, we are going to get new targets in Europe."

He suggested this could include powerful nuclear-capable weapons.

"What kind of means will be used to hit the targets that our military believe are potential threats to the Russian federation? This is a purely technical issue, be it ballistic missiles or cruise missiles, or some kinds of novel weapons systems -- this is a purely technical issue."

Why is he flexing muscle he doesn't have? For Iran?
Putin believes the United States is using Iran as an excuse and Putin is partly right. First of all, let Iran nuke Europe for not standing with us in Iraq and Afganistan.

The countries that these systems are going in are part of the old Soviet Union and is in Russia's back yard so I believe they have a right to be concerned. They believe we will use the shield to knock down any Soviet missiles, not Iranian missiles. We have to tread carefully here. We need to work with them (Russia) against the common enemy (Iran).
I agree. We are in another cold war of sorts, but instead of communism its radical islam.

We really need to get russia and china more allied with us. Diplomacy needs to be in overdrive on this one. Every effort and attempt needs to be made to get Russia and China on our side.
Putin believes the United States is using Iran as an excuse and Putin is partly right. First of all, let Iran nuke Europe for not standing with us in Iraq and Afganistan.
Nice. You know, you might want to check your facts before shooting off your mouth. Europe was and is behind us in Afghanistan, including France and Germany. In fact until recently, German troops outnumbered British troops. They helped us out where the terrorists came from instead of opting to create new ones in Iraq like we've done.

The countries that these systems are going in are part of the old Soviet Union and is in Russia's back yard so I believe they have a right to be concerned. They believe we will use the shield to knock down any Soviet missiles, not Iranian missiles. We have to tread carefully here. We need to work with them (Russia) against the common enemy (Iran).
Yeah well, that may be a difficult task, being as Russia has been supplying Iran with air defense systems and nuclear fuel:

Russia-Iran nuclear deal signed
Russia will deliver air defense systems to Iran - top general

And so a new Cold War begins. Defense contractors must be cumming in their shorts at this turn of events. Even Eisenhower would be shocked and saddened at the complete and total takeover of our government by the military-industrial complex.
I would add that Russia recently announced a new missile system that they claim can penetrate any known defense system. Who knows if it is anything more than a pipe dream, much like our missile defense system which has never been successful in anything approaching real-world conditions. But we'll just keep throwing tens of billions into it anyway. It's good news only if you own Raytheon stock.
Even Eisenhower would be shocked and saddened at the complete and total takeover of our government by the military-industrial complex.
Thank you for demonstrating your complete lack of intelligence on national defense.

Oh, and thanks for your comments on Afghanistan. Again, you are ahead of yourself.

As of Jan 2007: There are 32,500 Nato-led troops in Afghanistan.

Main troop contributors: US, (11,800), UK (6,000), Germany (2,700) Canada, (2,500) Netherlands (2,000), Italy, (1,800) and France (975)

Thank you for demonstrating your complete lack of intelligence on national defense.
As opposed to you? :rolleyes:

Oh, and thanks for your comments on Afghanistan. Again, you are ahead of yourself.

As of Jan 2007: There are 32,500 Nato-led troops in Afghanistan.

Main troop contributors: US, (11,800), UK (6,000), Germany (2,700) Canada, (2,500) Netherlands (2,000), Italy, (1,800) and France (975)
I'm not sure what you're trying to prove here. What I said was accurate. British troops only amounted to 1000 until the summer of 2006.
They helped us out where the terrorists came from instead of opting to create new ones in Iraq like we've done.
Boo F'in Hoo. We created more terrorists.

If only us imperialistic infidels would leave the holy land and go home, all would be well. Man, liberals dream of utopia is very scary.

Hey, just grab a coke, hold someone's hand and sing:

I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing (In Perfect Harmony)
I'd like to build the world a home
And furnish it with love
Grow apple trees and honey bees
And snow white turtle doves
I'd like to teach the world to sing
In perfect harmony
I'd like to hold it in my arms
And keep it company
I'd like to see the world for once
All standing hand in hand
And hear them echo through the hills
For peace throughout the land
Put your hand in my hand
Let's begin today
Put your hand in my hand
Help me find the way.

Or how bout you put your hand in your pants and jerk yourself a sodi pop!
Europe was and is behind us in Afghanistan, including... France and Germany...

And the reason we are in Iraq is BECAUSE of the lack of participation from France and Germany. They were too busy sucking off the teat of Saddam to do anything.

On another thought; you must be crying in your soup when France recently voted conservative.:rolleyes:
Putin Proposes Joint Radar Station in Azerbaijan

Russian President Vladimir Putin has suggested locating part of America's planned radar-based missile shield in the central Asian country Azerbaijan, a former Soviet republic, as a way to resolve the simmering dispute between the US and Russia.

Bush, in a one-on-one meeting with Putin during the G-8 summit in Heiligendamm, called it an "interesting proposal" and said "let's let our experts have a look at it," according to White House National Security Adviser Steve Hadley, who was in the hour-long meeting, the Associated Press reported.

Putin said through a translator that if Washington and Moscow cooperate transparently on missile defense "then we will have no problems."

Putin also said Russia had considered very thoroughly a US proposal for cooperating on US plans to develop a missile shield in Poland and the Czech Republic, but said Russia had its own ideas. He did not give details.

More: http://www.spiegel.de/international/world/0,1518,487330,00.html

That last line worries me --
Know what - who we elect is irrelevant regarding the last line, which I bolded.

And hunter has 1% in the polls - im not too worried about him. Im assuming your talking Fred Thompson - or is it Tommy Thompson your talking about? He's a cheesehead like you... :)
Know what - who we elect is irrelevant regarding the last line, which I bolded.

And hunter has 1% in the polls - im not too worried about him. Im assuming your talking Fred Thompson - or is it Tommy Thompson your talking about? He's a cheesehead like you... :)

No one knows why Tommy Thompson is even bother to stay in this race... Unless he's trying to increase his speaking fees after the primary.

Hunter may turn out to be a strong VP candidate.
I was most impressed with Huckabee, especially the way he smoked Giuliani and McCain with the evolution question. I saw a still photo of their faces right after he mocked anyone who believes we came from apes, and they looked...ehm...rather sheepish.

Having said that about Huckabee, I suspect he isn't going to win the nomination sheerly from lack of name recog.
I was most impressed with Huckabee, especially the way he smoked Giuliani and McCain with the evolution question. I saw a still photo of their faces right after he mocked anyone who believes we came from apes, and they looked...ehm...rather sheepish.

Having said that about Huckabee, I suspect he isn't going to win the nomination sheerly from lack of name recog.

Are you certain he "smoked" them and the looks were "sheepish"; not "this guy is F'ing nuts..."?

Are you going to or have you been to the "Creation Museum" by chance?
Know what - who we elect is irrelevant regarding the last line, which I bolded.

And hunter has 1% in the polls - im not too worried about him. Im assuming your talking Fred Thompson - or is it Tommy Thompson your talking about? He's a cheesehead like you... :)

I was hoping Hunter would get more press but it doesn't look that way because the press has it's favorites.

Yes, I was talking about Fred, not Tommy. I wish Tommy would go away. He is simply not 'Presidential' enough for me.

Calabrio said:
Hunter may turn out to be a strong VP candidate

He does help with the national defense credentials and might help in California too (wishful thinking probably).
Are you certain he "smoked" them and the looks were "sheepish"; not "this guy is F'ing nuts..."?

Are you going to or have you been to the "Creation Museum" by chance?

You should go. You might learn something. That is unless you're too...chicken! :D
You should go. You might learn something. That is unless you're too...chicken! :D

From what I've seen, it's looks top-notch, all fantasy of course; really well done though. If I was ever in the area, I'd pay to go in.
I was most impressed with Huckabee, especially the way he smoked Giuliani and McCain with the evolution question. I saw a still photo of their faces right after he mocked anyone who believes we came from apes, and they looked...ehm...rather sheepish.

Having said that about Huckabee, I suspect he isn't going to win the nomination sheerly from lack of name recog.

Huckabee would get my vote if he wins the nomination, he was governor here for nearly as long as I can remember. The ARKids First Health Care he passed is a real winner. He has a little name recognition, he was on Colbert Report. Plus, he's probably the only governor in history to spend part of his term in office in a triple wide trailor. That's right, the governor of Arkansas stayed in a trailor (mobile home) while the governor's mansion was being renovated.

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