Putting our best face forward

Bob Hubbard

Dedicated LVC Member
Nov 22, 2004
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Los Angeles
Now we have a new secretaary of state,and we should be putting our best face forward.
Unfortunately Ms. Rice doesn't appear to be doing that.
That big space between her buck teeth should have been taken care of before she set out to be this countries primo represenative , espicially in the world of foreign dignataries.
One look at her teeth indicates she cares very little about public impressions.
Were I a foreign diplomat, meeting her for the first time, my first impression would be, "Lord, she doesn't take care of her personal responsibilities, how is she going to carry on any diplomatic responsibilities"?
Condi, get that smile fixed, and pronto.
Oh Yeah Bob, And Madeline Albright was a babe...... LOL

Bob Hubbard said:
Now we have a new secretaary of state,and we should be putting our best face forward.
Unfortunately Ms. Rice doesn't appear to be doing that.
That big space between her buck teeth should have been taken care of before she set out to be this countries primo represenative , espicially in the world of foreign dignataries.
One look at her teeth indicates she cares very little about public impressions.
Were I a foreign diplomat, meeting her for the first time, my first impression would be, "Lord, she doesn't take care of her personal responsibilities, how is she going to carry on any diplomatic responsibilities"?
Condi, get that smile fixed, and pronto.

Its sexy!
its the little imperfections that make beauty just that. hell, she is probabily the most attractive current diplomat there is, when you concider that europeans dont shower, and the rest of the world doesnt have the same views of beauty as we do...so, just because you dont like republicans, dont go attacking someones physical apperences, you probabily look like a dog :q:q:q:q on the ugly tree and you fell on it on ur way down. :joke
Here's another handsome devil. Surely he could have had his ears reduced.

For sure Ms. Allbright was no "babe" but Ms. Rice is a lot younger than the two examples given in this thread.
She, of all people should want to look hert best when representing this country.
The other two secretaries of state were at a point in their lives where not much could have been done to better their looks.
If Ms. Rice would carry herself on a personel level as she does on a scholastic level, she would benefit much from it.
Now as for "Mr Wilsons" comment about my perhaps beiing ugly, His "signature picture" of Burt Reynolds in his post is apprapoah when discussing me.
It was not too many years ago,that I won a Burt Reynolds look-alike contest.
When I was younger, we could have passed for twins.
Today, the only difference I see between us is that I have a few more wrinkles, and unlike me, He has grey hair.
Wishing that Ms Rice would do something about her teeth, has nothing to do with her political affiliations.
I am neither Republican or Democrat, and how a public official looks, has nothing to do with their party.
President Reagan was proably one of the best dressed politicians that ever graced the office of the white house.
Bill Clinton was another.
If she's comfortable with the gap in her teeth, so am I. I'm sure if we had dental records/pics of the SOS for the last couple of decades we would find some with crooked teeth, at least on the bottom. And this is a relatively easy fix. Many male film actors have crooked teeth, including Mel Gibson. But I can't think of any female actors that do. Why? Because of sexist attitudes about appearances.

BTW, there are lots of cosmetic procedures that can improve the appearance, especially for older people.

Just think of her gap as her defining physical characteristic, like Clinton's nose.
I shouldn't even do this but as long as Republicans have to now pass an attractiveness test, what happened here....?

:I Just when I had forgotten about her, the nightmare returns . . . :joke .

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