Question about 10 disc CD cartidge


Dedicated LVC Member
Dec 16, 2005
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las vegas
Will any other Sony CD cartridges fit and work in the factory Ford/Sony CD player?
nope....but you can buy them all day long on, they aren't expensive used and don't wear out.
What makes them pop out when you hit bumps?
I found that it lasts a little longer if I jam something in between the sliding door and the magazine, but eventually it will pop out.
If it pops out going over bumps then the mechanism that holds it in place is faulty, or the button itself is hitting something and it pops out.
I wonder if anything can be done about it. I think I remember seeing the mechanism on ebay.
That's almost certainly a worn mechanism - why don't you try the offered free cartridge first to see if that fixes the prob.
The best advice I could give you would be to get rid of the stock p.o.s. 10 disc, I used to work at circuit city, and time after time I saw nothing but problems with multi-disc changers. Your best move would be to get a single disc cheap jvc ($110-120) when they advertise free instalation, u just buy the cd player harness, and fit kit. Good luck with whatever you do!
No way, keep the 10 disc! It works fine in my car. Why switch to a single disc when you have a 10 disc? Must not be that much of a POS if it has lasted for 11 years. Just find another factory 10 disc if you have too.

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