Question about the sae h.p of the mark.


Well-Known LVC Member
Mar 3, 2005
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li ny
so I reading something, I believe motor trend but I didn't fully read the article so I could be off here. The article said that the horsepower ratings have been changed, something other than the standard sae, so thats why the new zo6 vette is now 505 hp instead of 500.. it listed a bunch of other cars too.
Anyways my question is to anyone knows what I am talking about, or knows how they came up with the new standard. What would the marks h.p be actually rated for if this went into effect back then.
well back then originally the LSC was rated at 290hp and 295 trq. But saying 295 hp and 300 trq sounds like more power, maybe thats why they changed over.
I don't quite follow what you just said. I was talking about the new standard. the article was mainly about how foriegn cars mainly lost power where as domestics generally gained power with exceptions for both.

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