Quik LS said:
never heard of this - what are you 0-60 times, 1/4mile times - did they improve?
Unfortunately I've only had the XCal equipped on my car for a couple days and I don't have a GTech and have not had access to that or a dyno yet to find out these any of this. However I am going to the track to find out all these things towards the end of the month. I know my 1/4 improved along with my 0-60 to some extent...pre-XCal my friend in his stang was untouchable for my LS.
When we raced while I was running the max tune (with 91 octane - oops) we were almost neck and neck. Not only is his the 5.0, he also has headers, intake, and exhaust.
The challenge with the XCal is that it is hard to 'feel' the differences - with intake and exhaust you 'hear' the difference as well as feel the difference. The XCal is all done behind the scenes - improving what you already have - or have not.
This is exactly what I told Torrie. Without actual numbers from a GTech or Dyno it is difficult for me to feel the difference, especially when it comes to HP gains. The only things that I have noticed so far are the negatives, i.e. hard shifts and slow acceleration which is unfortunate. If I knew what to expect, or what to look for with each tune it would be better.
These are the questions I am waiting for torrie to answer, I definitely don't want to badmouth his tunes before I know what it is normal and what is not.
Quik...you have said that the XCal 2 is by far the best bang for your buck. ($400)
So far I believe the exhaust ($700) has given me the best bang but
this conclusion is not fair to say yet, as I do not know enough at this point about what Torrie's tunes have done for my car.
I know for a fact that the exhaust gave me more WOT HP, a crisper throttle response, an unbelievable sound, better gas mileage, zero side affects, and most importantly, a cool look.
The only noticeable advantage the XCal seems to have other than removing limiters and such -
so far - is firmer shifting. I literally jump ahead into each gear - I even seen the traction symbol light up when auto-stick shifting from 3-4 on the highway...yea...the shifts are that hard....
As far as the soft acceleration from 2000rpms and up I'm not sure at all either, I'm waiting on a response from Torrie. When I downshift using the auto-stick and smash the gas their is an obvious improvement in acceleration post-xcal, it is only when I smash the gas while cruising at say 60 mph on the highway or 30 mph down my street that I notice the lag in acceleration.
I just cleaned my air filter and applied the red oil
without a percision applicator or scale. I just applied two coats all-around to the filter, not too much, not too little. I don't think their is any way doing this incorrectly could ever rob me of that much acceleration, its just a variable I just thought of. Other than that I haven't done anything that would cause this. I'm going to change back to stock and get a good feel of things and then go back to the tunes this weekend to really verify the differences.
Quik, I understand you have SST shifter...do you use this when racing or leave it in D4/D5. I used to leave it D4/D5 but now with the tunes I realize I pull much harder when shifting with the auto-stick but then again I have not proven this...what do you think...would you say Torrie's tunes are designed more for D4/D5 or for shifting on your own at say 6200 rpms?