Active LVC Member
I have a chance to pickup a '94Mark w/90K on the clock...1 owner who's 80yo. He's had the car up to 100 1 time! Serviced every 3K.
Questions: Were there valve spring problems in '94's that were produced in late '93?
How can I expect this car to hold up to being pushed harder than it has been, and are there
any recommendations for service that would help it adjust to a new driver.
Were there blend door issue's in '94's?
DosMarkos....soon to be TresMarkos
Questions: Were there valve spring problems in '94's that were produced in late '93?
How can I expect this car to hold up to being pushed harder than it has been, and are there
any recommendations for service that would help it adjust to a new driver.
Were there blend door issue's in '94's?
DosMarkos....soon to be TresMarkos