Active LVC Member
I want to drop the back of the car down by sensor. New bags in front, and already lowered. Its a little tough getting to that upper rear sensor bracket, but the question is this, there are 2 bolts on the top bracket, holding in place against the car, bolted to the car. To lower the car, looks like 1 bolt stays, and the other has to come out, because to move the bracket down to compress it, 1 bolt is already up against the end of the slot, so it has to come out, then I can move the bracket down to compress the sensor, to lower the back end. That leaves me with only 1 bolt to tighten, and hold the bracket in place, because the other bolt hole, will now be free of the bracket, with the bolt hole exposed. Is that the way it has to work, with only 1 bolt now holding the top of the sensor bracket in place? Or is there something else that you need to do? Thanks for the help!