Quote from Scott Brown


Dedicated LVC Member
Apr 24, 2005
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And let me say this, with respect to those who wish to harm us, I believe that our Constitution and laws exist to protect this nation – they do not grant rights and privileges to enemies in wartime. In dealing with terrorists, our tax dollars should pay for weapons to stop them, not lawyers to defend them.
I like him too! But was he plastered during his victory speech?! :eek: He joked about the availability of his daughters, playing basketball with the President, and bringing his truck down to D.C. :confused: I think he had a bit too much to drink before the speech--though I can certainly understand that he was likely drunk with jubilance, having just won a seat that no Republican has held since the 70s. I was actually saying to myself--Is this guy going to implode before he even starts up his truck to head to D.C.?! :rolleyes: :D

Having said this, the future of the Republican Party pretty much rests in his hands for the immediate future as far as potential victories in November. He must be a force for real change, as in to encourage Republicans to stick to the GOP's conservative roots and not cave in to Democrat pressure.

Most Americans are sick of business as usual in D.C. and it's time that someone stands up and says enough is enough. Obviously, the Democrats won't do it because the party has been infiltrated with too many Harry Reid/Nancy Pelosi radicals. They are likely going to hunker-down and play their typical partisan/propaganda politics in hopes that they can derail Republicans from gaining any more momentum.

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