R.I.P's trans


Active LVC Member
Mar 12, 2005
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I decided to put the new updated accumulators in and when done have no o/d,did some research and put a new mlps in and still nothing.I dont believe I screwed anything up, but it is possible.Any ideas?If not I found a used tranny for 500 bucks and may get so I can get moving again.Average around here is$1500-1700 for rebuild, and I just can't swing that kind of money right now.
if you are looking for a tranny go with a 98+ years. the pistons are updated, so you do not have to replace them again. horrible news to get when you do something that suppose to prevent these type of things! good luck on the tranny hunt.
I found a used tranny from a 98 with only 36,000 miles on it,they are asking me if it is w/id pke-ad or without,anybody know what they are talking about.Any help would be great and thanks in advance.

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