Racing Fuel?


Active LVC Member
Feb 20, 2008
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Powder Springs
Has anyone run racing fuel in their Gen 2 V8 LS's? I have a station her that sells it and wanted to know if anyone has ran it and if they had any problems or noticed a difference. I have heard some horror stories of fouling O2 sensors and other things. I do not know if I would fill the tank up, but maybe do half racing and half of 93. @ $7.29 a gallon, it would be an expensive trip to the gas station.
Has anyone run racing fuel in their Gen 2 V8 LS's? I have a station her that sells it and wanted to know if anyone has ran it and if they had any problems or noticed a difference. I have heard some horror stories of fouling O2 sensors and other things. I do not know if I would fill the tank up, but maybe do half racing and half of 93. @ $7.29 a gallon, it would be an expensive trip to the gas station.

If it is leaded racegas then just don't do it. If it is unleaded then there is no worth to it because

A) you do not have the tune to take advantage of it.
B) unless you run REAL high CR or a power adder then you will actually lose power when going with that high of octane whether tuned for it or not. Simply put, there is a point of diminishing returns that you encounter when going with higher octane fuel on a mild CR N/A vehicle.

Bottom line......not worth it at all for your combo.
Really? I thought you used the Dom Toretto method and ran it on hopes and dreams.
Supposedly Paul Walker is going to drive a new STI which I am pissed about. They should stick to 10 second Mitsubishis and Mazdas.

That trailer is RIDICULOUS, literally. How many mile long fuel trailers do you see on the road? This movie is already a joke like the last three and it hasn't even come out.

Will I watch it? Yes, it's a guilty pleasure and it's fun to pick out the inaccuracies. Like Johnny Tran wanting to put Nissan SR20 motors in a bunch of Civics.
I thought it was a spoof trailer when I sw they were jacking gasoline instead of dvd players. But with the original cast it should at least be entertaining. Of course they are going to be more concerned with theatrics than with accuracy, since a lot of the intended audience probably doesn't have enough knowledge to pick up on those inaccuracies.
psssst...moderators deploy the banstick, we have members talking about The Fast and The Furious... :eek:

By the way, in some countries they do have landtrain type of trailer setups for tractor trailers. Australia is one example. I wouldn't put it past South America to have those too.
psssst...moderators deploy the banstick, we have members talking about The Fast and The Furious... :eek:

By the way, in some countries they do have landtrain type of trailer setups for tractor trailers. Australia is one example. I wouldn't put it past South America to have those too.

Welcome to America my friend. Here the only fuel trailers as long as football fields exist in movies where you can put $100,000 into an S2000, an SR20 in a Civic, and where nitrous' worth is measured by the size of the bottle and not the shot. Yeah I know there are pup trucks and what not but not those damn landtrain things here in the US.

Some good reading...
Welcome to America my friend. Here the only fuel trailers as long as football fields exist in movies where you can put $100,000 into an S2000, an SR20 in a Civic, and where nitrous' worth is measured by the size of the bottle and not the shot. Yeah I know there are pup trucks and what not but not those damn landtrain things here in the US.

Some good reading...

Yawn...follow the link in post #13... Then when the trailer starts to play take notice of the location...Unless I need an update on geography I didn't think the Dominican Republic was a part of the continental I said.....they have them in other countries... Pay better attention next time and maybe you won't miss that.
There's an actual mistake in the second one when Paul Walker hits the gate to get into the junkyard it doesn't even affect the front of his car. There's a lot like that as well in Gone in 60 Seconds
Yawn...follow the link in post #13... Then when the trailer starts to play take notice of the location...Unless I need an update on geography I didn't think the Dominican Republic was a part of the continental I said.....they have them in other countries... Pay better attention next time and maybe you won't miss that.

Yeah I noticed that thank you. So what the hell do landtrain trailers have to do with the US then? Im pretty sure I pointed out the fact they ARENT in the US in post #14 genius so I obviously already knew what you so obviously decided to point out again.

There are so many mistakes in these movies it's mind boggling

I have an 02 LSE. Is there any side affects of running 87 octane opposed to 91+ I have never put anything other than 91+ in my tank. I was just curious if you can run the car on 87?????
yes. don't do it.

There are many post of ill side effects from knocking to engine light.

The engine run 10.55:1 compression and really needs premium fuel. The few cents less for the lower octane is often lost on the loss of engine performance due to retard timing - so you actually get worse mpg, and often push the gas pedal more.....
Yeah I noticed that thank you. So what the hell do landtrain trailers have to do with the US then? Im pretty sure I pointed out the fact they ARENT in the US in post #14 genius so I obviously already knew what you so obviously decided to point out again.

There are so many mistakes in these movies it's mind boggling

Look Glanga don't start acting like a little e-punk.
How comes every post goes from answering a question, to beating the hell out of each other?? Can we all just get along?

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