Racists voting for McCain

Your lodgic escapes me.
What is racist about that video?
All I see is three black men that are voting for McCain.
Would it be racist if three white men voted for Obama?
Again, I don't get your thinking here.
Please explain.
The only thing racist in that video is the host trying to make it out to be a race issue in voting for Obama...
The only thing racist in that video is the host trying to make it out to be a race issue in voting for Obama...

Ding, ding, ding, We have a winner.

I congratulate those young, articulate gentleman that have used conservative principles to guide their lives and won't allow the MSM and the Dems to turn them into sheep, dependant on the government for their existence.

They understand the threat that an Obama presidency poses.
But your thread title is misleading....There are no Racists in that video voting for McCain.
But your thread title is misleading....There are no Racists in that video voting for McCain.

Sarcasm in order to gain attention to the issue.

People of ALL colors support McCain because he is the better of the two candidates running.

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