Hello all, after prowling around here for some time I am asking your opinions. I have a 1966 Ford F100 pickup, I had a 93 MarkVIII I am mating the 2. So far I have the rear suspension complete mounted. I took a 2004 Crown Vic front X-member and mounted it. This allowed me to put the 4.6 DOHC and tranny in place by just switching mounts. I spun the original truck tranny x-member 180degrees and it bolted right up. The drive shaft was perfect in length and dropped right in. Now the question, I modified the trucks core support to hold the radiator and fan assy. just like original however it sits about 6-8 inches higher than the motor, I can make some tubes and hook the hoses up for inlet and outlet, and since the fan is part of the radiator it will cool it BUT am I going to have any other issues if I leave it like this or should I lower the assy. Your thoughts???Thanks