Ran Codes today -- P03C5 --Cylinder 5 pressure too high. ??


Dedicated LVC Member
Nov 28, 2008
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Pressure for cylinder 5 high. I know I have a leaky valve cover and I suspect I have a exhaust manifold leak. Could maybe one of the plugs not be firing and causing high pressure in one cylinder?

I also got P2C25 -- NO DTC definition found. Not sure what this is. When I bought the car it had a tune done to it. I'll need to look up the tune.. don't know it off hand.
Matco Tools MPS700 is the code reader and no, no check engine light was on.
i do not have any idea how the computer would know what the pressure in a cylinder even is.
i do not have any idea how the computer would know what the pressure in a cylinder even is.

This was the only thread I found here on code P03c5. My M8 listed codes P0411, P2c2d, and P03c5.

Chris that is a great question - the only thing I could think of is maybe through the fuel injector?

What could cause too much pressure? I fixed the P0411 code, but obviously the emissions EAP (Electric Air Pump in front of crankshaft) hoses doesn't have anything to do with cylinder pressure.

I still haven't found anything on code P2c2d. After replacing the EAP hoses connector (code P0411), I cleared the codes and neither P2c2d or P03c5 have returned. Its only been two days, so I will keep an watch on it for a while.
fuel injector is merely reactive. it opens and closes when power is applied.
the computer really has no idea, and i doubt this is a code with real substance behind it.
it might have another meaning behind, but i don't know what it would be.
it is likely just a bug, or some other unintended outcome.
I thought maybe, if anything it would be the only item that would be able to read pressure in the cylinder. It adjusts the amount of fuel and thought maybe it would take readings in the cylinder to help it with the amount of fuel it injects.
There isn't anything else in the cylinder that the computer is connected to, is there?
P03c5 is a generic code, not specific to Ford. Sounds like the code reader is having an issue or something. Try another code reader.
You are probably right, it hasn't ever come up again. Thanks

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