Random thought for the day

ford nut

Local nut case
May 14, 2007
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If you bring a child into this world....you should be able to take them out of it.

:q:q:q:qin teenagers
LOL that line was part of Bill Cosby's stand up skit that I saw back in the late 80s or early 90s. My parents used to use it on me all the time.
Yeah, he had a line similar to that in Bill Cosby: Himself. "I brought you into this world, I can take you out, and make another one that looks just like you."
I own that movie. lol.

Kirk, your kid didn't f*ck with the mark again, did he?
LOL yes, that's it. Classic stuff.
Yes....funny stuff I forgot were I picked it up from, funny because its true.

I own that movie. lol.

Kirk, your kid didn't f*ck with the mark again, did he?

No he won't go to frickin school...the woman who brought him into this world knows I have to pay until he is 20 if he can't get out of high school.
He is on his second school and they don't want him anymore, they told me he will be in school until hes 25. :eek:

Friday I have to go to family court.....file a motion to get the papers changed because she isn't holding up her end of the deal....fun.

My butthole hurts every time I deal with family court, I always take it in the ass.

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