"Ray's switch".. the legend continues !!


Dedicated LVC Member
May 13, 2006
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south jersey
as we all know by now.. Ray has moved on to a better place...

i do not know if anyone else knows how to make his "patented" switch..

i have received emails..and have seen posts asking about the kit ..

so.. i feel that i must do what Ray himself would do... help others the best i can..

i may have the last.. or one of the last switches as i recieved it the end of November..and have yet to install it

i am going to include pictures of the kit... followed by the best description of the kit that i can give.. and the exact install instructions that Ray sent me..

this may take me a few posts so be patient...

if anyone wants to attempt to make this switch..good luck.. i wouldnt even know where to begin..
here are some pics... ill follow up with a post of descriptions of the pics

rayswitch 012.jpg

rayswitch 001.jpg

rayswitch 006.jpg

rayswitch 002.jpg

rayswitch 009.jpg

rayswitch 013.jpg

rayswitch 008.jpg

rayswitch 004.jpg

rayswitch 005.jpg

rayswitch 007.jpg

rayswitch 011.jpg
ok... the first pic....that just verifies the authenticity..haha

the second pic is how it came in the package..

3rd pic...... shows the length ..and overall view of the whole kit

4th pic...... above that clear box there are 2 plugs that say " fuse" written on tape

5th pic..... blurry clse up of that box... im clueless on what exactly it is

6th pic....... 2 black boxes/modules taped together..once again im clueless..

7th pic...... basic 3 prong switch

8th pic..... 4 blue plugs located about 1ft fro 2 blak boxes..says"suspension control module/blackconnector" written on tape around all 4...then...2 of the plugs say "connector"..and 2 say"harness"

9th pic...... 5 pink connectors same disatnce from 2 black boxes as blue connectors..." suspension control module / grey connector" written on tape around all 5

10th pic......3 plugs at the other end before the switch...2 pink..1 blue...1 pink says"ground" and the other pink says"12v"... the blue also says "12v"

11th pic..... are the connectors(or whatever they are called) that he sent with the kit
install instructions... exactly as they were sent to me from Ray..

The link at the bottom is what I send out for ppl to use to install the kit. The only part that is not on those directions is the 2 sets of blue wire with the yellow connectors at the ends....here is what you have to do with them:

On the suspension control module there are 2 connectors....one is gray, and one is black. The gray one is all the solenoid and signals for the bags/compressor. The black one supplies the 12 volts to the suspension controller. What you have to do is disconnect the black connector and then cut back some of the tape that is on the wiring harness for that connector (the black one that is). Give yourself about 2-3 inches of wire, so when you cut them, you can hook them back up if at some time you would like to if you remove the kit. After you cut back the tape, find the two dark green with yellow striped wires (pins 1 and 21), they are DIRECTLY across from each other in the black connector. Cut them both (you can either remove the fuse for the wires, or just be careful not to touch the cutters to anything that could ground the wires), but again give yourself at least an inch of wire from the connector, so you can reconnect if so desired at a later date. Once they are cut, you will have a set of cut wires on the harness side, and a set of wires on the connector side. What you will need to do is to connect the set on the harness side to the wires marked harness side on the kit, then connect the set on the connector side to the wires marked connecotr side on the kit.

As for the 5 red connectors for the gray connector, there is no order in which they need to be installed, you can hook them to which ever wire you want to (as per the directions of course)

If this does not make any sense, or you want to ask a few questions you can either email me or call me at 917-453-9819


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Hmmmm.... a good friend of mine is studying electrical engineering.

If we can figure out how to make this I think it would only be right to offer it at cost, I couldn't imagine making money off something Ray designed and built.
if anyone would like to add anything that i left out or didnt know..

feel free to join in..

and if anyone has any questions on what i posted let me know and ill help to the best of my knowledge
i believe Ray only charged me around $30 - $40.... so im guessing that what it would cost to make
Just to let you know, I would not use them Splice Connectors to tap into the wires, should strip the wire a little bit, poke threw it and loop the wire you need to connect into and then solder it, and wrap it with Electrical tape.. I never trust those connections.
I got the go ahead from my Electrical Guru friend, he said if we can get a switch an a wiring diagram for the Mark hw would have no problem reverse engineering it.
So does anyone have one of these that they are willing to ship one to me. My friend has a rough idea of what everything is but would like a Ray's Switch in his hands. The clear box is the only thing that is even remotely concering, but he doesn't think it will be a problem once he can get it in his hands.
The clear box is just a DEI 528T Pulse Timer relay.
All it does is it applies 12V to each of the bags' solenoid to open it, and opens the vent solenoid. The 528T is adjustable up to 90 seconds I believe, so it controls how long the car vents for.
So the whole thing is rather simple - the switch triggers the 528T, and then it applies 12V to all those wires for however long it's set for.

:confused: Before you go any further with this, did you get permission from Ray's family...It is a patented item?
good point... I would have never though of asking cause we are Rays family, but your right, that would be the right thing to do, even though I know that his dad and brothers would not have any issue with it, it would be the right and respectful thing to do. thanks hun

Now...would any one like to trouble shot Rays switch combined with a spyder valve to see what the heck Tux is trippin on...! Ray installed both, last fall started having lots of trouble, have had to shut the airride off...Ray was gonna look at it as soon as the weather broke, and I just dont know enough about the valve to figure it out...I do know that there are no leaks. If so shot me a pm...I am willing to come to you...heck..now looks like I will be going to see Eddy if I can't get him workin right.

Thanks again Merijons97LSC.

ooops... i didnt even think of it possibly being patented !?!..

ive seen a few different versions of the same thing so i just figured Ray had created "his version"...

im sure no one on here would even attempt to make money from this..

either way.. i hope i didnt step on any toes
ooops... i didnt even think of it possibly being patented !?!..

ive seen a few different versions of the same thing so i just figured Ray had created "his version"...

im sure no one on here would even attempt to make money from this..

either way.. i hope i didnt step on any toes

No man!! Your heart's in the right place!!!! It may not be patented..just to be on the safe side.
I'd also be willing to contribute to help the Ray switch live on, I had already paid Ray and was waiting for him to get back home to finish the kit. He was unable to that so I'd be willing to take this on. I'm in contact with another member that has one that said he would send it to me. If he can find it that is, it's all a waiting game from here.
hey devil

That switch, when you rock it one way, does it stay in that position or does it spring back to the center when you release it.
Ok guys, I've figured out how this is all accomplished with Ray's kit, I need to gather the parts and test it but I'm positive I can build this myself. I will attempt to do so and let everyone know. I will not produce these without the consent from Ray's family though. With the proper consent, I would be willing to produce these, not for profit, just for parts and shipping. Ray didn't make any money off these kits, so I don't feel that it would be right to try and do so. It was Ray's design and I'm sure he would be happy to see it live on.
Thank you

We, Ray's family, would like to thank everyone who has said such kind words about our son. We also would like to thank you for continuing his legend with the switch. His switch was not patented - but we're sure he would want someone to continue making them. He did not make any money on the switch and we hope that this will also continue. If we can find the instructions we will post on the site for all to use as we are sure that is what Ray would have wanted.

Again, thank you for your kind thoughts and wishes during this terribly difficult time. Your thoughts and prayers are very much appreciated.

Ray's family
It's nice to see Ray's Family on the forum, although I don't know how active of users you will be, it is nice to see you here as part of "our" family. Ray was a big part of our family here at LVC as I'm sure you have noticed over the past week. I was able to speak with Ray on a few occasions and greatly enjoyed the time I was allowed bouncing ideas off him. He was very knowledgeable about our cars and their inner-workings.

If you have the ability and decide to keep the "Barney Mobile", I hope that you will continue to use the forum as your first line of support for any questions you may have about the car. I know many of the users would love to see it at future shows, although it won't be the same without Ray behind the wheel, it will be a great reminder to all of us.

Welcome to the forum and I hope you continue to visit us in the future.
The "Barney Mobile" should be represented at Carlise this coming June. A close friend has offered to do all the mechanical and body work, including paint, and have it ready for June. We will keep "Barney" in the family.
The "Barney Mobile" should be represented at Carlise this coming June. A close friend has offered to do all the mechanical and body work, including paint, and have it ready for June. We will keep "Barney" in the family.

That's awesome :)

Welcome aboard to the Urso family!

All the best,

the 3 way switch returns to center when not being pressed, the 2 "black boxes" taped together are just relays, the clear box he called a timer relay, and after that its just wire, ive thought about pulling mine out and trying to reproduce the "rays switch" but the only prob would sourcing the timer relay but "russo" seems to have helped that prob. if i did these it would be in small batches, so if kustomizingkid would like to take on this project, then thats ok with me, i just wanna see the "rays switch" live on
Continuing Ray's switch

I'm an electronics tech by trade. I can build the switches if someone will supply on assembly for me to use to get specs from and to make measurements from and materials list together from.
Also, we should continue to engineer the set up.. i.e.- improved wire taps, fuse blocks connectors.
If we get together enough orders we can reduce the cost to make them even further.
Maybe we should see about patenting it for Ray's family- that way it'd be protected and we could set up profits to go to some kind of trust in his name.
I didn't know him, but he seemed to be willing to help anybody, so I'll try to help keep that spirit going.

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