I tried to stop this guy before he had a chance to destroy the Country.
You wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt.
That's the difference between me and you....
I know evil when I see it and I try to confront it straight on, not bury my head in the sand and hope for the best.
I was willing to beat Obama any way legally possible, even if it meant a civil war over his candidacy.
Now you want brownie points for waking up after the fact?!
What the hell did you actually think Obama was going to do????
"You are going after this dude with all the veroscity of a pitbull.
You make Shawn Hannity look like Mary Poppins.
Give it a rest dude."
"Today starts a new page in the history of this country, and though it may be a sad day for some, it is a day to come together in the hope we can put this country on the right track."
"Obviously the case lacked merit for it to proceed, therefore it was dead in the water before it began.
I am willing to give this new administration time to prove itself.
Time will give all of us... "
I am not looking for "brownie points" but as I said in these post, I didn't like him, and the only alternative left, once he was elected, was to at leaste give his administration, and him in particular, the benefit of the doubt.
Now with this crazy spending bill, he has lived up to what I thought of him all along.
If this fails, and I have every reason to belive it will, he is finished.
The promises he made during his campaign, especially the idea of "change", will be unobtainable.
All he has proven to date is that he is a puppet of the far left.
When the American public sees that his dog and pony show is a farce, they will be calling for his head.
I, along with many others, are taking a wait and see attitude, but I honestly think this administration will go down in failure, and soon.
I do not belive it will stay in power for the four years allocated too it.
Rush Limbaugh said he wanted him to fail.
I don't give a rat's ass if he (personally) fails, but I do not want the country to fail.
This spending bill puts the country in a precarious position, one which it has never been in before.
The possibility exist that this bill may completely ruin this country economically.
Couple that with the ever increasing threat from terriorist, and his willingness to not deal with them directly, and forcefully, could wind up being grounds for impeachment if he willfully and knowingly threatens the security of this nation by his inability to protect this nation as he is sworn to do, by the oath he took as president.
What I DO see on the horizon, given the state of circumstances ahead of us, is a revoloution .
The people will not sit back and watch the country be destroyed.
The two thigs that will force dramatic change will be, the inability of this administration to solve the economic crisis,and the terriorist threats that may cause another incident within our borders.
That would be the end of Obama, and I think it WILL happen.