Reagan: The "60 Minutes" Interviews, 1975-1989

Ah Reagan the Homer Simpson like comic book Republitard actor father of our current mess
who set the republican hypocracy in motion and made DUH a virtue.
Ran on cutting spending then ballooned the deficit only cut taxes and taught americans that there is a free lunch with tax cuts because deficits don't matter.
Gutted consumer protections and banking rules leaving americans at the mercy of ruthless corporations.
Cut and ran from Lebanon after the first attack which emboldened the extremists.
Said he wouldn't negotiate for hostages yet violated his own touted principles and did just that with the Iran contra scandal arms for hostages deal.
Brought the religious right into the republican party.
Made simple mindedness(Hitchens describes it as his genius) a virtue:rolleyes: that continues today with Sarah Palin.
Entertained policy suggestions and guidance from astrologers his wife Nancy was consulting with.
Showed us the power of false praise:rolleyes: in making americans feel good about themselves that continues with students having very high esteem with abysmal performance numbers.
In some surveys 50% of the public says he was overrated though they liked him personally.

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