Real life Lincoln problems.

Steven Silva

New LVC Member
Jun 17, 2014
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Hey guys, New to the forum and Need some guidance. I have a 2006 Lincoln Ls v8 3.9, it sat for about a year or two and when i got it back on the road i never changed out the batt, (i figured why buy a new bat when i can just jump the old one) well, one day after getting all the work done for my car i needed to pass inspection ie the Headlight assembly,tail light, breaks an rotors all the way around. I encounterd a problem when my friend did like a half close to the door but it kept going off as passenger door ajar.. I have looked high and low to see if this was a common problem and everyone seems to have diffrent issues. when i start to drive the light goes off but it keeps ringing sometimes other times it dosent ring at all and then there are times (coupled with my infant screamin and girl friend bitchin):mad: that i feel like im going out of my mind. im 90% sure that this is the door lock assembly. i found one here on ebay but im not 100% sure its it.. I need Healllp I havent taken off my passenger door yet.. to even see if its just a loose connection? and before i go drop 149 dollars i dont have on an assembly i dont even know that i need. id like some guidance. Oh and when i open the other doors and throw the latch in them they say that they're shut. so im leaning twards the latch assembly. :cool:
The door ajar switch is in the door latch assembly. It may be that you can just clean and lubricate the assembly, or it may be that there is a wiring problem.
(i figured why buy a new bat when i can just jump the old one)
I'll tell you why. That's a good way to kill an expensive alternator.

If you bought this car planning to be cheap and not spend much money on keeping it going, you bought the wrong car.
Battery. If the battery is disconnected for a lengthy period of time car will chime at certain times. A friend had this happen on his '02 manual.

Assuming of course there is no door ajar message......

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