Rear Deck Removal


Dedicated LVC Member
Jun 24, 2004
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Syracuse, New York
anybody do this on their LS before? i wanna put some speakers back there but the ones i got are circle so i wanna bolt down an extension plate, if you wanna call it that... i removed the 2 rear seat bolsters and the brake light cover and the center seat belt cover... i guess im stuck on the corner pillers where the seat belt goes up into, do you need to take these down, and how? also the 3 pins holding the carpet in, what do you guys use to remove these? i know theres a special tool for that, how can i get ahold of one? thanks...
no you don't need to remove those. Get in the trunk and you can find the clips i think there are 4. Can't remeber for sure. Mine we had to pull pretty hrd because the rear window glue was sticking to it.
Hope this helps
Mine sits the same. The glue was from where they glued in the rear window. The deck lid was not glued down
the 3 pins in the carpet im talking about is noticed when you fold down the rear seats... and you're saying you can get at these from the trunk and just push them out?
im gonna fiberglass my rear dash. my trunk is gonna be my box and the rear dash is the port..

U can do some thing like that
I will go look on my lunch break and let u know
kudisbeta.. i was going to do that.. if ur going to seal ur trunk there is something that u might want to look into.. i already know from experience so it might help.. if u take out ur trunk lining carpet u will see a "vent" on the left and maybe the right side.. i guess since they made a trunk release.. if u ever get stuck.. i guess they figured to make an air vent incase that doesnt work.. unless u wnat ur bass air to escape threw there INSTEAD of by the fiberglass port u are going to make.. i suggest u seal it.. it should be easy to do becuase its only covered by rubber peices.. but if u dont do it.. it will take lots of DB's from ur finished product..

if u dont mind me asking? what do u plan on putting in the trunk?

i should begin my figerglass process in 4 months.. when i finish the mids and highs and decide if im going to use 1300 watts of power.. or 2600 watts of power for the subs..
thanks PM... let me kno!

hey Bangin, how would i go about fiberglassin my trunk? i kno NOTHING about that stuff but i always wanted a custom trunk and get rid of the "box in the trunk" look...
Opps I was wrong there are no clips excpt in the front. We had to get in the trunk for the side bolsters. After you remove all of the pieces of the light you should be able to pull it off.
yea them 3 pins in the front are a B!TCH to get out... and you dont need to get in the trunk for the side bolsters, if you can get your hand underneath them after you get the bolt on the bottom out, there is a little switch like thing that you push down and the bolster pops right out...

where do you start pulling the carpet out? the front? the back? the carpet seems to be caught on the corner pillars after i removed everything i needed... any suggestions?

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