Rear License Surround comming off


Dedicated LVC Member
Jan 1, 2006
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MY friend was out by my car yesterday and pointed out to me that the emblem part of my surround is comming off. Is there a way to fix this? Its off all the way down the main top piece above the license plate.
Mine is sort of like that too, i think it is just warping. I ignore it or blame it on my subs :confused:
This has been a defect on that part for a long time. There is a bolt right behind that emblem that secures behind the deck lid with a nut. That bolt is attached to plastic directly behind the emblem area. What happens is that the plastic piec breaks away from the surround and that causes the top part of the surround to not be flush with the body. There really isn't much you can do other than replace the entire surround.
GrayGhost1 said:
This has been a defect on that part for a long time. There is a bolt right behind that emblem that secures behind the deck lid with a nut. That bolt is attached to plastic directly behind the emblem area. What happens is that the plastic piec breaks away from the surround and that causes the top part of the surround to not be flush with the body. There really isn't much you can do other than replace the entire surround.

Do you sell those pianted, ken? I might have to buy one from you soon.

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