Rear Wheel Bearing Replacement


Well-Known LVC Member
Feb 1, 2011
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New Jersey
Started out with gear whine in the rear and now humming like a bad wheel bearing all within the past week. Ive had 3 up front go bad so I know the sound..

However this time I really cant tell which side its coming from? Hoping its not the pinion.. have never had a wheel bearing whine before. Not sure how to really tell besides the obvious like shaking the wheel for play. All feel the same temp. No grinding on turns. Just sounds like a motor humming.

I see the rear hubs are $700 each new for gen 2.

Reading around it seems this involves taking off axle nut, knocking axle loose if its not welded on or using a puller to get the hub off of it and hoping it will go back in if you can press new bearings in. Joy..
Block the front wheels (really well), put the rear up on jack stands and turn AdvanceTrac or traction control off and see if you can hear it and locate which side?
This will upset some things and trigger warnings, but they will clear after you put it back down and drive a mile or so.

If you do this, be very careful and sign something saying you won't sue me...
I think Joe forgot to mention to put it in gear.

Then while the rear wheels and driveshaft are turning... CAREFULLY use a somewhat long screwdriver as a stethescope/probe by holding the handle to your ear... and the tip at the differential,,, and the back of the knuckle close to the wheel hub area. You should be able to hear the noise

And don't sue me either. This is a "do at your own risk" proceedure. DO NOT put the screwdriver on any rotating parts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Forgot to mention to put the transmission in Low gear, (first), that way it doesn't upshift to where the tires are turning really fast.

Also... since the tires will be rotating... stay the F away from them too.

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