Removing Brake Reservoir - Help ASAP!


Well-Known LVC Member
Mar 1, 2005
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Kansas City
Well I was trying to remove my brake Reservoir and I think I may have damaged the little rubber seals so I am going to replace them just to be safe but can anyone tell me the correct way to remove the brake resorvoir from the master cylinder?
The brake reservoir is the master cylinder, the part it attches to is the brake booster. the two or three i did, two bolts and pull forward. After so many years of wear, it may end up taking the rubber seal with it. Was it a seal from the vacuum booster, or a seal from the master cylinder??? Do you have have any vacuum leak??? Dont forget to bleed the new master cylinder.
So you cant remove the reservoir from the master cylinder? I thought you could since some master cylinders come without a reservoir the seal that is in question is the seal that is from the reservoir to the master cylinder I can post a picture if you dont understand


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