Reset check engine light


LVC Member
Nov 9, 2007
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Is there another way to reset the CEL after the problem has been solved other than having Autozone re-scan it? I've already tried driving it about 20 mins & it's still on, but evrything is good on it.
in my experience, the Autozone guys never know how to clear that properly, they just scan in a generic command. i've had to have my Lincoln mechanic do it each time i needed it. on a related topic, if the problem isn't solved and the CEL is still on, but there aren't any noticeable effects and you want it off, you can have it shut off, but it will come on again after i believe 30 engine starts. this just happened again with my recurring P0430 catalytic converter issue.
Mine flashed out of nowhere. Went to the dealer to have an oil change, got my car back and it was off.
I've read in previous posts to disconnect the battery, then another post said to touch the 2 terminals together, I DON'T THINK SO

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