Resetting the MPG


Active LVC Member
Jan 10, 2006
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Ocean County NJ
How long does it usually take for the average mpg to go back to normal after you reset it? I'm asking this because i filled up the other day and it was the first time since i bought the car so i reset it and by 30 miles it was still reading right around 11 mpg vs the 18 mpg i was getting before.

Also, it said 311 until empty and that has been right on so far

2001 V8
It really depends on how you're driving (light or heavy foot) and where you're driving (city or highway). If you have done nothing but heavy footed city traffic you won't see it rise until you get some highway time. The MTE gauge doesn't seem to be affected by the MPG gauge until it has been some time. That's why it doesn't jump up (or drop) to some absurd number when you reset.
mergner26 said:
How long does it usually take for the average mpg to go back to normal after you reset it? I'm asking this because i filled up the other day and it was the first time since i bought the car so i reset it and by 30 miles it was still reading right around 11 mpg vs the 18 mpg i was getting before.

Also, it said 311 until empty and that has been right on so far

2001 V8

You're not going to get a reliable average MPG figure by driving only 30 miles. You'll have to drive the car 300-500 miles before you can get an accurate figure, since the MPG is based on the miles driven and the amount of fuel used. Obviously, the more data you can give to the computer with respect to these two quantities, the more accurate the MPG will be.
One more thing. For accurate MPG determinations, I wouldn't rely on the car's computer. After each fill-up, I do the calculation myself by hand.

Since a lot of our younger members have, shall we say, aptitude deficiencies (see this link:, the way you calculate MPG is to take the miles driven (that's the big number) and divide it by the gallons of gas used (that's the small number).

:) :shifty: :) :shifty: :eek: :D
thanks...i figured i needed more miles but i was wondering since it really started to level off. I always do the calculation by hand too, but since this is my first full tank i've put in i haven't had a chance to do it yet

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