Reuters admits altering Beirut photo


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Oct 14, 2005
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Reuters admits altering Beirut photo

Reuters withdraws photograph of Beirut after Air Force attack after US blogs, photographers point out 'blatant evidence of manipulation.' Reuters' head of PR says in response, 'Reuters has suspended photographer until investigations are completed into changes made to photograph.' Photographer who sent altered image is same Reuters photographer behind many of images from Qana, which have also been subject of suspicions for being staged
Yaakov Lappin

A Reuters photograph of smoke rising from buildings in Beirut has been withdrawn after coming under attack by American web logs. The blogs accused Reuters of distorting the photograph to include more smoke and damage.

The photograph showed two very heavy plumes of black smoke billowing from buildings in Beirut after an Air Force attack on the Lebanese capital. Reuters has since withdrawn the photograph from its website, along a message admitting that the image was distorted, and an apology to editors.

In the message, Reuters said that "photo editing software was improperly used on this image. A corrected version will immediately follow this advisory. We are sorry for any inconvience."

Hours after mother and two daughters are killed in Hizbullah rocket attack, media outlets around world fail to report deaths; meanwhile, British press continues anti-Israel tirade

Reuters' head of PR Moira Whittle said in response: "Reuters has suspended a photographer until investigations are completed into changes made to a photograph showing smoke billowing from buildings following an air strike on Beirut. Reuters takes such matters extremely seriously as it is strictly against company editorial policy to alter pictures."

"As soon as the allegation came to light, the photograph, filed on Saturday 5 August, was removed from the file and a replacement, showing the same scene, was sent. The explanation for the removal was the improper use of photo-editing software," she added.

Earlier, Charles Johnson, of the Little Green Footballs blog , which has exposed a previous attempt at fraud by a major American news corporation, wrote : "This Reuters photograph shows blatant evidence of manipulation. Notice the repeating patterns in the smoke; this is almost certainly caused by using the Photoshop “clone” tool to add more smoke to the image."

Johnson added: "Smoke simply does not contain repeating symmetrical patterns like this, and you can see the repetition in both plumes of smoke. There’s really no question about it."

Speaking to Ynetnews, Johnson said: "This has to cast doubt not only on the photographer who did the alterations, but on Reuters' entire review process. If they could let such an obvious fake get through to publication, how many more faked or 'enhanced' photos have not been caught?"

A series of close ups are then posted on the blog, showing that "it’s not only the plumes of smoke that were 'enhanced.' There are also cloned buildings." The close ups do appear to show exact replicas of buildings appearing next to one another in the photograph.

The Sports Shooter web forum , used by professional photographers, also examined the photo, with many users concluding that the image has been doctored.

'Looks so obviously doctored'

"I'll second the cloned smoke...but it looks so obvious that I don't know how the photographer could have gotten away with it," wrote one user.

After further research, Johnson posted a photograph he says is the original image taken before distortions were made, showing much lighter smoke rising.

Other blogs have also analyzed the photographs, and reached similar conclusions, such as Left & Right , which states: "The photo has been doctored, quite badly."

The author of the Ace of Spades blog wrote: "Even I can see the very suspicious "clonings" of picture elements here. And I'm an idiot."

The Hot Air blog also looked at the photo, describing the image as "the worst Photoshop I have ever seen."

Adnan Hajj, the photographer who sent the altered image, was also the Reuters photographer behind many of the images from Qana – which have also been the subject of suspicions for being staged.

"A photographer who would blatantly falsify an entire 'news' image would certainly not be above posing and staging photographs of rescue workers," Johnson concluded.


fossten said:
Where the hell have you been, bud?:cool:

Frankly, I've been avoiding you and your brand of shoving your opinion down everyone's throats; and then crying about personal attacks when someone responds.

It's difficult to have a conversation with someone who thinks he's more intelligent and superior than everyone else.

I was suprised to find out you are Jewish descent. Try and keep that to yourself. You give us a bad name.
barry2952 said:
Frankly, I've been avoiding you and your brand of shoving your opinion down everyone's throats; and then crying about personal attacks when someone responds.

It's difficult to have a conversation with someone who thinks he's more intelligent and superior than everyone else.

I was suprised to find out you are Jewish descent. Try and keep that to yourself. You give us a bad name.

Wow. So much for being friendly.

By the way, you said "us" referring to what: Liberal Jews? Don't have to give you a bad name. Your personal brand of Bush-bashing does the job in toto.
fossten said:
Wow. So much for being friendly.

By the way, you said "us" referring to what: Liberal Jews? Don't have to give you a bad name. Your personal brand of Bush-bashing does the job in toto.

When were you ever friendly to anyone other than your Conservative circle-jerk buddies? Looks like you've done a fine job as pivot-man.
barry2952 said:
When were you ever friendly to anyone other than your Conservative circle-jerk buddies? Looks like you've done a fine job as pivot-man.
Well, I was trying to be friendly to you and welcome you back, but you've obviously been doing nothing but harboring grudges against me for perpetually putting you in your place around here, as evidenced by your level of venom in response to my olive branch. In one fell swoop you attack my Jewish heritage and my personal character, about which you certainly know nothing. You've definitely made a statement, but more about yourself than about me.

Look, barry, if your sole purpose for coming back to this forum was to attempt to jump down my throat, you're wasting your time. I'm not interested. Go have a love-hate with someone else.

I'm here to debate politics and current events, not to answer your silly, vicious invectives.
fossten said:
Well, I was trying to be friendly to you and welcome you back, but you've obviously been doing nothing but harboring grudges against me for perpetually putting you in your place around here, as evidenced by your level of venom in response to my olive branch. In one fell swoop you attack my Jewish heritage and my personal character, about which you certainly know nothing. You've definitely made a statement, but more about yourself than about me.

Look, barry, if your sole purpose for coming back to this forum was to attempt to jump down my throat, you're wasting your time. I'm not interested. Go have a love-hate with someone else.

I'm here to debate politics and current events, not to answer your silly, vicious invectives.

Then don't. What a crybaby!
I was simply agreeing with you that the media, right, left and center, distorts the media to assert their position. I posted the link because I thought it might be a good resource for all of us.
Welcome back Barry, hope you stay.

Not to hi-jack your post Calabrio, but you know how I feel about the Israel/Lebanon conflict.
barry2952 said:
I was simply agreeing with you that the media, right, left and center, distorts the media to assert their position. I posted the link because I thought it might be a good resource for all of us.

I agree that we see distortions and outright falsehoods from the Mainstream Media (which tries to act like it is just impartial journalists reporting the facts) to the left, but I challenge you to find the same sort of false reporting on the right.

Good luck.

By the way, notice the lack of coverage in the MSM regarding the Reuters and AP photo scandals. Virtually nonexistent reporting. I don't wonder why that is.
Rush made a great point today during the 5 minutes I listened to him.

He said why wasn't the world community demanding a 'cease fire' to end the hostilities in Iraq? Why was the world community not volunteering a 'police force' and setting up 'neutral zones' in Iraq like they are calling for in the Lebanon conflict?

Very good questions.

The obvious answer is that the Jews (I mean Israel) are kicking butt on Hezollah. Don't thin for a second that if Israel was losing, we would hear the outcry. The view in Iraq is we are losing so if the media keeps on posting the negative crap, maybe we'll pull out, handing Al-Qeada the victory.

Very interesting.
MonsterMark said:
Rush made a great point today during the 5 minutes I listened to him.

He said why wasn't the world community demanding a 'cease fire' to end the hostilities in Iraq? Why was the world community not volunteering a 'police force' and setting up 'neutral zones' in Iraq like they are calling for in the Lebanon conflict?

Very good questions.

The obvious answer is that the Jews (I mean Israel) are kicking butt on Hezollah. Don't thin for a second that if Israel was losing, we would hear the outcry. The view in Iraq is we are losing so if the media keeps on posting the negative crap, maybe we'll pull out, handing Al-Qeada the victory.

Very interesting.

Not to mention the fact that if Hezbollah were winning, they wouldn't be asking for a cease-fire. Only losers ask for cease-fires. Winners set the terms after the victory.
fossten said:
you've obviously been doing nothing but harboring grudges against me for perpetually putting you in your place around here

You are a legend in your own mind.
barry2952 said:
You are a legend in your own mind.

Once again, you can't make a point or back it up, so you attack me as usual.

I guess we can't all be first violiners.

At least you know your role.

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