A revolution from above refers to major political and social changes that are imposed by an elite on the population it dominates.
Is Obama Steering the Ship of State Toward the Rocks?
By James Lewis
Obama is now coming out with two contradictory messages.
(a) He is set to drive Medi-Grab through Congress, regardless of American popular opposition, or...
(b) He is ready to junk it.
Sometimes the administration leaks one story, sometimes the opposite. In fact, Obama may not even know which of his two contradictory messages he believes. He may be sending up two different trial balloons, waiting to see who screams louder between the radical Left and the voters.
If he goes for option (a), he rallies the radical Left and loses the country; if he takes the Charge of the Light Brigade route (b), he'll keep the country and lose the radical Left. Obama is steering his ship right between two rocky promontories, like Odysseus trying to navigate between the dangerous rocks of Scylla and the whirlpool of Charybdis. But then, Odysseus was a smart navigator.
According to FOX News, the most mentally fixated president in American history is going for an all-out Medi-Grab, regardless of the results for the country or the Democratic Party. Obama's Medi-Grab is the biggest wedge the Democrats can drive into the body politic, intended to turn the U.S. forever into a socialist, Left-controlled zombie state, just like Europe.
Medi-Grab couldn't pass the Senate when the Democrats were playing by the rules. But now Harry Reid, the electorally doomed Majority Leader, is said to be signaling his willingness to commit hara-kiri for Obama. If Reid can push through the "public option," a 51-vote majority in the Senate will let the Democrats drive private insurance out of business with tax-subsidized Medicare for 330 million people, including illegals -- even if it breaks the budget for decades to come.
This is Obama's Audacity of Desperation.
Obama's Medi-Grab will break the Medicare system, because you can't cover 330 million people, including illegals, just with the tax money currently dedicated to the elderly. Something's got to give, and it will be Medicare for the elderly. But the elderly are the most medically endangered sector of the population. Does anybody see Death Panels in the offing?
Well, Robert Reich and Rahmbro Ezekiel Emmanuel have called for exactly that. They have told us the elderly are not worth the money to keep them alive. The U.S. equivalent of Britain's NICE panel (which decrees which critical care treatments will be paid by the National Health Service) is already in the U.S. law. It was sneaked by as part of the "stimulus package" last year.
Electorally, the Democrats are bleeding and panicked. They know they're going to see the crash of a lot of political careers. But it seems that the hard Left, led by the Chicago clique in the White House, is willing to steer the ship of state on the rocks, on the wild gamble that Americans will see how glorious the results will be -- very much against the openly expressed will of the people. They think that they can pick up the pieces after 2010.
Well, it won't work. We can't allow it to work, because it will zombify the country. It's Obama the Vampire time. Europe is already zombified, as you can see by their inability to use common sense. The voters have been intimidated and bought off. They can no longer act in their own self-interest, and they are being sucked into the European Union against popular opposition. That's the model.
Obama's desperation pass makes 2010 the most crucial election year ever, more important than the 1980 election that pitted Ronald Reagan against Jimmy Carter. If the FOX News report is true, this is a suicide charge by the Left. They will try to drive in that solid wedge before voters get a chance to act, and let the consequences be damned.
It is therefore crucial to convince the Democrats that they will never be forgiven -- by the Medicare population, for one -- for driving a wedge through the heart of this country. The Left is counting on the fact that most Americans don't pay attention to politics. But no sensible American can doubt that this is the most power-hungry, radical Leftist administration in history. Americans are waking up -- slowly.
Obama's Medi-Grab must be stopped immediately by a public uproar of unprecedented size and intensity. We know who they are, we know what they want, and we, the people, want to stop them. It's time for a Megaton Tea Party.
Now we know why Evan Bayh is resigning. He doesn't want to fall on his sword for the greater glory of Obama. He's letting the hard Left go for broke, and when things fall apart, he can come back and pick up the pieces. Maybe.
But that doesn't save the country from the mind-locked Fraudocrats who are now in power, determined to impose a Leftist Revolution from Above. The "Revolution from Above" is a Stalinist concept. It means permanent power for the control freaks. That is what the U.S. Constitution was designed to block.
But the Constitution can sink without voters who are alert to the danger from the radicals who control the White House and Congress today.
So it's up to you. The bad guys are running the town. It's time for the U.S. Cavalry to ride to the rescue.