Rims...17's or 18's?


Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 2, 2004
Reaction score
United States
I'm looking for some new rims. The question is? 17's or 18's. The 16's have too much sidewall for my tastes and the 18's seem to have too little. So I think the 17's will be just right.

I'm looking for some Bullit style wheels.

I'm looking for any and all opinions, pics, etc. Thanks.
Go with the 18's. You can go with 255/45/18 inch tires to give you the same overall height/radius that the factory size is, and will be stiffer. Or you could go with 245/45/18 inchers. Here are the specifications on the factory in comparison to both sizes I suggested:

Sidewall: 5.3
Radius: 13.3
Diameter: 26.6
Circumference: 83.7
Revs/mile: 757.0

Sidewall: 4.3
Radius: 13.3
Diameter: 26.7
Circumference: 83.8
Revs/mile: 756.0

Sidewall: 4.5
Radius: 13.5
Diameter: 27.0
Circumference: 84.9
Revs/mile: 746.0

Now, you will see that with the 255's your speedo will be a bit off, but with the 245's it will not be off that much at all.....most likely negligible. The prices are pretty close to each other, so it should not be a determining factor. The prices/brands for the 245's, and the prices/brands for the 255's....sorry but the first couple of tires are truck tires in the 255 arena.
You want show or go?

Show = 18s, but I don't think you'll like the cost, or the ride.

Go = 16s, but you don't want that, so 17s will be the compromise. It'll take some shoppin' around for a set of light rims that can look good and still take a licking, so a take off of bullits may be what you're lookin' for.

Maybe not quite the show but it won't kill your go either. :D
Price IS an issue, but with the tires I selected above the ride will not be in jeapordy. The sidewall is only an inch shorter (or so) from the factory sidewall, but they are MUCH wider. So, with the tires selected it will not really be for show.....more go than anything else. But, if he plans on running it at the track, well....go back to the 16's for that, just do not throw out the 16's and keep them for track/winter use.

17's would be cheaper, but if you are going for a certain look, you may not like the look of just 17's. I am not talkin the bling, but 17's just simply might not cut it.....to each their own though.
driller said:
You want show or go?

Show = 18s, but I don't think you'll like the cost, or the ride.

Go = 16s, but you don't want that, so 17s will be the compromise. It'll take some shoppin' around for a set of light rims that can look good and still take a licking, so a take off of bullits may be what you're lookin' for.

Maybe not quite the show but it won't kill your go either. :D

That makes no sense ! :) Look at all the recent sport cars that been released... The new Corvettes use 18's in front/19's in rear...because the larger/wider tire helps in traction and handling... if a larger tire hurt speed, then do they use em... Also I remember the '05 Mustang GT concept, that many of you have seen, uses a 20" tire and it also is a road race ride, why would they want to lower their lap times ?


Not trying to argue ! :)

:slam Hurt me if I'm wrong...
Dude, the Mark VIII was designed with 16s. Yeah you can get monster wheels on today's new cars... they were intended for it(Not to mention the oversize OEM wheels add at least 2 grand to the base price).

It would be a hard head to head comparison, but take a stock Mark VIII to the track with stock 16" snowflake rims and tires of your choice and run it. Then put on a typical bling bling set of 20s and try it. Unless you do your homework and keep the wheel combo weight down to stock and maintain the same tire circumference... you are going to be slower, lots slower. IF you keep the bigger wheel weight down to stock, it is going to be a weak wheel unless it's made from kevlar laced titanium. :N

Take wheel width for example. Everybody thinks wide wheels are cool and fast. True to a point. Wider is only better for traction. Any wider than necessary for optimum traction is extra weight. Extra weight on the wheel combo is the last thing you need for speed. I'm not talking handling here, just acceleration. You don't see a drag race wheel/tire combo entering an autocross event.
The only thing is JP....I really do not think he is looking at taking it to the track....he was just askin opinions on 17's or 18's....not track wise. We ALL know that you can not expect heavy assed wheels to do any good on the track. I KNOW that the 18's on my green car were HEAVY as hell.....one of them wheel/tire combo weighed more than 2 wheel/tire combo factory size.

But, if he is thinking of taking it to the track, he can keep the factory wheels and put some DR's on them.....prolly the best thing you can do. You can have some nice wheels to drive around with (stockers SUCK.....no matter which ones you have.....IMHO) and then he can have wheels/tires for the track.....if he so wants.
I NEVER said to put 20's on a Mark anywhere in my post...

I also was joking on the " BIG WHEELS, etc.."

Like Ray said about the style point of view, you might as well go with the 18's. As far as racing goes, then 17's or even DR's on the 16's ,also what Ray explained.

Driller, I think we need to take it out on the track in Spring... :D

But I don't think my engine is strong enough for around 80 passes. :( LOL.

MonsterMark said:
I'm looking for some new rims. The question is? 17's or 18's. The 16's have too much sidewall for my tastes and the 18's seem to have too little. So I think the 17's will be just right.

I'm looking for some Bullit style wheels.

I'm looking for any and all opinions, pics, etc. Thanks.

I like your Octastars...
StraDog said:
Driller, I think we need to take it out on the track in Spring... :D

Bring 'er on big boy! LOL! :D j/k

Seriously, the only thing I meant was to point out the choice of show or go. Anything else is a compromise. Take my choice for example... chrome OEM 10 spokes vs. stock polished 20 spokes. I don't know how much, but I KNOW the bling bling chrome is heavier


and therefore I am slower than I could be. But I wanted the bling! :Beer
Definitely 18s!

Now, when I was looking for new wheels, I heard a lot of people talk about how 20s were too big, etc., etc., etc. After hearing everyones opinion, I decided 18s were the way to go. Well, a deal came along that was too good to pass up and I ened up with a set of 20s. Come to find out, the 20 ride GREAT! There really is no noticeable difference in everyday ride quality. When I hit a large bump I can tell the difference, but just making my way to work or around town the combination is very nice to live with. I'm guessing everyone who said 20s were too big, never actually had a set on their car, and if so, probably not on 40 series rubber.

The one thing that I did notice is that acceleration has suffered. The combo is a full inch bigger and the wheels weigh about twice as much as a stock "snowflake" wheel.

With the car totally dumped and the 20s tucked into the fenderwells, the friggin car looks SICK!!! If I had the money to spend again, I would put a 22 on the back and a 20 up front. No joke.

Here's a pic of my car just for comparison. They are 17" wheels. They ride the same as the 16's to me. You may want something bigger as 17's aren't that much different than 16's. I personally like them.

hintsclue said:
But stock is good...(coming from Ms. Stock) LOL
I'd love to have the Octastars on mine...

That is all personal preference.....BUT....that would drop you out of Ms. Stock status if you changed the wheels......

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