
Active LVC Member
Feb 27, 2014
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Just thought I'd share this sale I came across as many have helped me here. May only apply to v6 sports, though not really sure with all the confusing part #'s. All I know is through my searching they seem to be correct for my 01 v6 sport. So I ordered 2 to have on hand when I get around to replacing all shocks and springs. Under $30 a piece. Can't beat that..though like all their closeout items, their 30 day warranty is basically useless..but I have faith for that price.
Let me know if you get the correct ones. I bought some of those special deal close out motorcraft oem packaged shocks and they came in correctly marked for the axle I ordered for, but I got the opposite end of the car's shocks instead! I needed them anyway, but that was a weird way to get them. You can't go wrong for the price. I replaced a pair (second set that went on at 84K miles) that had 180K on them, nice ride change!
Yea their closeout sales are hard to beatx long as you get the right part...but 'll let you know how it goes. Did you change your springs too? And if so what route did you take, as I see the oem have been discontinued for a long while. Thanks
I had 4 eibachs but a change in my life meant that I had to carry tools and chemicals for auto care with me all the time (or they'd be gone when I needed them!) so my rear end was hanging too low and last christmas, I bought some stock rear springs and put them on. The car is now level. lol. If you drive an empty car, get the 4 eibach springs, it's not a bad setup.
The oem springs seem almost impossible to find. Do you know if all years are the same? And if they're the same front to back?
I got a pair of the 'specials' listed above. Delivered today. I believe there is a slight valving difference due to the slightly lower weight of the 3 litre engine. As part of my projected winter make-over I'll put the Koni coil-overs on but to do so I'll need to fab a pair of upper mounts since the Konis have an eye on each end. And in addition the pair of Konis I have on the shelf are valved for a much lighter car and need to go back to be re-valved. So I'll use the Rock Auto bits to keep me going until next Feb or maybe March. I might not get the R-A shocks mounted for several weeks because I have more pressing projects to take care of first. I'll report back then.


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