As I've been saying... and where is Ron Paul? Not even on the radar screen, yet. Right?
Who Seems the Most Presidential?
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Intangibles matter in campaigns and 26% of Americans believe that Hillary Clinton seems to be the most Presidential of the Democratic candidates. A Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that 44% of Democrats hold this view of their party’s current frontrunner.
However, unaffiliated voters tend to think that Barack Obama seems more Presidential. Among those not affiliated with either major party, 25% attribute the most Presidential label to Obama while 18% say it applies to Clinton. Thirteen percent (13%) of unaffiliateds say that John Edwards seems the most Presidential.
On the Republican side of the aisle, there is no clear frontrunner in this category. Five candidates—Rudy Giuliani, Mike Huckabee, Mitt Romney, John McCain, and Fred Thompson--are said to seem the most Presidential by between 9% and 15% of adults nationwide.
Among Republican adults, 21% say that Mike Huckabee looks the most Presidential. Seventeen percent (17%) of the GOP faithful say that title belongs to Rudy Giuliani and 16% think it describes Mitt Romney. Ten percent (10%) see John McCain as most Presidential while 8% hold that view of Fred Thompson.
Among those not affiliated with either major political party, 16% say that Giuliani is the Republican candidate who seems most Presidential. John McCain and Mike Huckabee are seen that way by 11% of unaffiliateds.
Forty-three percent (43%) of Republicans can’t identify any Democratic candidate as seeming most Presidential. Forty-one percent (41%) of Democrats can’t identify any Republican candidate as seeming most Presidential.
For the seven days ending December 9, 2007 show that Mike Huckabee earns 21% of the vote while Rudy Giuliani attracts 20%. Mitt Romney is at 13% while John McCain and Fred Thompson are each the preferred candidate for 11%.
Ron Paul’s support for the week is at 6%, Tom Tancredo is at 2%, Duncan Hunter earns 1% and 16% are undecided (review history of weekly results).