Ron Paul talking about Iran.

I have mixed feelings about this. If we're going to commit an act of war, it should be due to a serious provocation. Verbal threats toward an ally isn't good enough in my view. Neither are rumors of nukes.

On the other hand, he's incorrect about Kennedy's diplomatic stance toward Kruschchev being effective. Kennedy basically backed down, and the Russians took that as a sign of weakness. So there are flaws in Paul's position, but overall I think he is right that we should stay out of this.

It's Israel's business if they want to take down Iran's nukes, they have a willingness and ability to do so, and they have a track record as well. Our biggest mistake has been to pressure the Israelis to back down from this situation. In doing so, we're injecting ourselves into a potentially nasty situation, and we're handcuffing Israel from protecting herself.

My solution - stay out of it and let Israel handle her bidness.

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