room for racism?



Then there's no room for me! There are some delightful people here but sorry - there's just no space for me. One may tolerate many things but ... uh, uh.

I quit - I wish you luck!
Sorry to hear that, psungee. Hope you will still pop into chat on occasion.
Please see last post by Wiggles @

Now we have to ask ourselves what's next, "chink" or "Kike" ... or "spick"?

What we do in our own homes is one thing. This is a private site but it's a public forum.

Personally, as a "kike" over 30 years married to a German girl, I can't be associated with this kind of thing. I've got close friends (and an in-law) who are muslim ... and a large family of inlaws who are Christian (and, of course, Christian friends). I've had close relationships with Hindus (from my time overseas) and some of those relationships carry to through to this day. I grew up in an integrated neighbourhood where many of my school mates were black.

I'm fine being disliked for who I am. I have no qualms about disliking others for how they behave.

I, honestly, would find it personally embarrassing to be, even, remotely associated with such behaviour as Wiggles.

I'm a small participant on this group. I've never sought favour and I don't now. Certainly, I have tagged to ignore his comments but to see it - to see my own name associated, in any remote way, with that - I just don't have the heart or stomach for it.

Certainly, I don't expect the world to agree with me on anything - necessarily. I've stepped back from discussions where I didn't respect the attitudes. I have NO issue with disagreeing with anyone. We don't, all, have to think the same way but to participate, on any level at any measure where such behaviour is accepted ... I can't do it (and I don't want to do it).

I appreciate that my comment raised a flag for you. I have little doubt he's a larger contributor than I but, for me, that's a line I'm unable to cross.
really. it wasnt a big deal IMO. But to each his own. In todays culture this has become common place, not to say its right or wrong, but understanding the context in which it is used is helpful. If any malice is indicated in his comment, i missed it.
really. it wasnt a big deal IMO. But to each his own. In todays culture this has become common place, not to say its right or wrong, but understanding the context in which it is used is helpful. If any malice is indicated in his comment, i missed it.

And this is exemplary of why I don't belong so I couldn't care less if you agree with me or not. I will do what is right - and leave you and those who think it's okay to your own devices.

There's no room for it in my life - so, no... Won't chat - won't participate - won't be remotely associated with it.

In my opinion, silence makes you complicit. I don't mind if nobody agrees but I think people of varying cultures enrich a group ... and this language is not welcoming to other cultures.
Well then... good bye.
It's interesting, other than you're indignant grandstanding, you didn't even bother to "report the message" to the moderators and staff here.

I'm not even going to get into the absurdity of your outrage, noting that a black person used the term to refer to a white British guy.
And this is exemplary of why I don't belong so I couldn't care less if you agree with me or not. I will do what is right - and leave you and those who think it's okay to your own devices.

There's no room for it in my life - so, no... Won't chat - won't participate - won't be remotely associated with it.

In my opinion, silence makes you complicit. I don't mind if nobody agrees but I think people of varying cultures enrich a group ... and this language is not welcoming to other cultures.

in todays society i dont think there is much room for right or wrong. its these thoughts of being higher up, or if you will, Right, that is the root of alot of our problems today. Per the example of this post, black people of all ages and wealth use the term "Nigga" almost as a term of endearment. Is it foolish? Maybe, but its what it is like it or not. I would argue that its not the word itself that is the problem, it is the people that use it maliciously in an effort to degrade or incite violence. I call my close friends dickheads all the time or even worse but they know i love em. Again its all about context. I do however respect your opinion, but it is only that. Remember, your opinions and views are only your reality, not the reality of all others in general. Right wrong......who cares
i think you are over reacting personally but who the hell am i? if wiggles is black like stated above, then who cares if the word was said, he said it, no one called him that, its a racist term sure, but unfortunetly i dont think the n word will ever go away, if it is said by the white man is a racist fashion, or said by the blacks to one another, its never gonna stop, richard pryor told us all, we need to stop using the n word, no more n word but it didnt change anything. its the same as calling me a cracker, or a honky, honestly i could care less if someone said it to me, im white and i will always be white, none of us can do anything about what we are and who we are, but we are all humans, if you felt that the post he made was as bad as you make it sound and how it affects you, you should have reported it, it would have been wiped away im sure. to each his own i guess but i cannot understand why you want to leave over one post out of thousands and thousands, just let it go.
I think in this case you have to look at the context in which the word was spoken. There was no malicious intent behind it, and as crazy as it may sound, it can be used as a term of endearment among black people. The slippery slope can be who says it, and sometimes even the way it's pronounced (if it ends with an A or an ER).
I will say this, I have read posts on this site that were dripping with racist overtones but never used a so called "racial slur", so take that for what it's worth.
Personally I think your being PC just to get attention, but whatever. I dont see how your name is associated with racism in any way just because you happen to post in a thread where one confrontational word is mentioned.

Then you saying 3 other derogatory names about different ethnic groups in this thread to prove a point is ok? Righttttt
"if a tree falls in the woods and nobody hears it.. does it make a sound??"

im going to twist that around and say...

"if a racist comment is made and nobody cares.. is it really racist??"

its only offensive if someone finds it offensive.. call me whatever name you can think up.. and i wont care..

everyones entitled to there own opinion... get over it

the sooner the world stops crying over petty sh!t.. the better off it'll be
The comment wasn't made to undermine nor was it made to stereotype a certain race.
over time words change meaning, heres one source indicating that this may be true, though I dunno if it is reputable,
here is another source, from the new york times website, a really old article, like 100 or so years old, on words changing meaning:
and finally here is a website with a detailed explanation on how words change their meaning over time.
could it be that a word such as the "N" word can change from a derogatory meaning to a term of endearment? could it be that by remembering and perpetuating the old belief that it is a derogatory term we are in turn making it derogatory? Maybe its not the ones who use it as a term of endearment that are ignorant, but the ones who cannot let go of its past meaning that are? Isn't the fact that we are moving passed its old meaning a sign that the racism it used to represent is slowly leaving our culture? Words can change as our culture changes. I believe we have to remmember the past, and learn from it, but not live in it. Scotch used to be a derogatory term for a scottish person, now we drink it.
I have held that those who cry racism first, are perhaps the racists know, always looking for it?
I am a Black Male, and I dont use that word, but I do find that Hispanics call other Hispanics the "N" word, arabics call other arabics the "N" word and hell caucasions call other caucasions it. Hell last i checked it didn't mean a "black" person, it meant a ignorant person! so in a sense, we all can be "N's" I think. LOL I think we all need to just chill on this race stuff, everybody has to be so PC, cant we all just get along? LOL

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