RRocket caught in the act!


Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 2, 2004
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United States
I knew it was inevitable. Ron was finally caught in the act. Stamping on his favorite doll. Boy, he must have been really angry after the Kerry beating to take it out on his dolly.:shifty:


Do you have nothing better to do? This is pretty lame.
Sure, how about working on getting GWB to keep his promises to the American people?
And what promises are those. I'll give him a call as soon as he gets back from Chile.
barry2952 said:
Sure, how about working on getting GWB to keep his promises to the American people?
Sadly, it wasn't me. That was once of our politicians......I wish I could take credit...Bush is indeed in Chile, where the CIA caused a fracas with Chilean security. Seems that Bush forgot to tell them "These guys are with me..."..
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That was a photo of a Canadian Provincial officer that was suspended for that public display. That what I thought was funny. You Canadians crack me up sometimes.

As far as Bush goes...did you see him yank the Secret Service guy out of the line? That's my Prez. A real man.

Later on they cancelled the big dinner with a couple hundred guests because the Secret Service insisted on having all the guests through a metal detector. So, it wasn't the CIA causing the problem, it was common sense on the part of the President to insist that the events held in a foreign country be conducted under the safest conditions possible.

I have to give the Prez a call when he gets back because Barry is PO'd about something - I don't know what - and I have to see if the Prez can do something to make Barry happy again.

Your story about that picture is out to lunch, and totally NOT true. Where the hell did you find that fabrication?? Here's the REAL story...please pass it along to the weenies who told you it was an officer. One of our Members of Parliament (MP), Carolyn Parrish (the same one who made the comment "Damn Americans … I hate those bastards..") was on a comedy show called "This Hour Has 22 Minutes". It's like Saturday Nite Live, but is more of a political satire/lampoon comedy. In the skit, she stomped on the president Bush doll. That's the REAL story. Not the fabricated one that some dumb-ass made up. I'm very disappointed in you, Bryan. It's so not like you to repeat stories WITHOUT checking your facts. I'l let it slide this time. Just don't let it happen again....

Yeah...the CIA is hurting when GW has to take care of their man. It's like the dumb leading the clueless....LOL......
Actually, I deleted the copy from the pic and because I have brain damage, all I could remember was MP, as in military police. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Liberal MP Carolyn Parrish tosses a George W. Bush doll on the floor and then grinds it in with her boot in an episode of CBC-TV's satirical This Hour Has 22 Minutes. Conservative and some Liberal MPs have denounced the prank as "bizarre and stupid."

And quit calling the Secret Service the CIA. I'll let it go this one time also.
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