Rule of law or rule of man.

Here's the complete quote, more than the included 9 seconds, lest someone complain.
I think it's damning as well.
“I wish that I had been there when Thomas Edison made the remark that I think applies here. ‘They ain’t no rules around here, we’re trying to accomplish something.’ And therefore, when the deal goes down, all of this talk about rules – we make ‘em up as we go along. And I’m here now 18 years and a significant time under the leadership of the Republicans, who at no time, even when they claim all they did for the prescription drugs, they left that big old donut hole in. And they never talk about that they did not pay for it, while they are here now claiming that they are fiscal conservatives.

One of the brightest minds in this country is Paul Ryan, for whom I have great respect. I think Paul is onto something that may be beneficial for us at some time, but then I want to clear up one thing. And that is this business of bipartisanship. Its as if you were all not in Mr. Miller’s Education and Labor committee. Or, that you were not in the commerce committee. Or that you were not in the Ways and Means committee. Or the budget committee. All of those committees have had umpty-umpty hearings on this matter, and many Republican measures were passed on voice vote, cause how “the American people” that you all are so wont to talk about, understand were passed on voice vote, and some were voted on!

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