Rush Limbaugh: Super Bowl Thoughts


Dedicated LVC Member
Apr 24, 2005
Reaction score
Brilliant as usual.

From NRO:

Football ignoramuses do not irk me unless they are watching the game with me, which they don’t because I don’t invite them. If one sneaks in with another guest I set them up with Oprah reruns in a far off room. What does irk me is know-nothings getting TV shows on PMSNBC.

I like to think about this Super Bowl as the First Ever. And people love talking about something that is The First. This Super Bowl is a first, and it will never happen again.

The first black coach.

The first with two black coaches.

The first with both coaches being close friends.

The first with both coaches being strong confessing Christians, both of whom are clean and articulate. And I wrote this being myself clean and articulate, so I should now run for president, especially since this is also the first Super Bowl to occur when I have been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize .

— Rush Limbaugh is an American institution.
Pretty funny to hear Rush say he's "clean"....heheheh

-Rush Limbaugh is an American Hypocrite
RRocket said:
Pretty funny to hear Rush say he's "clean"....heheheh

-Rush Limbaugh is an American Hypocrite

Look who's the big name caller. Face it, you are the worst name caller on this site besides Johnny. Come on, be a man, fess up. You know it's true.
Me? Prove it.

I've got $50 bucks right here right now that says you call fellow LVC users more names than I call LVC fellow users.

In which case...Rush is NOT a LVC user...he's a precscription drug abuser....:)

Oh..and Limbaugh IS a hypocrite. Remember what he said should happen to ALL people who abuse drugs...Oh..and you already know the guy didn't vote until he was over 30 was it??
RRocket said:
Me? Prove it.

I've got $50 bucks right here right now that says you call fellow LVC users more names than I call LVC fellow users.

In which case...Rush is NOT a LVC user...he's a precscription drug abuser....:)

Oh..and Limbaugh IS a hypocrite. Remember what he said should happen to ALL people who abuse drugs...Oh..and you already know the guy didn't vote until he was over 30 was it??

Waaaaah! Waaaaaaaah! Look at you getting all defensive. They're just words, don't take them so hard. Jeez, do you need a tissue?

Cheap Canadian dollars anyway.

I don't have to defend Rush to the likes of you, since you don't know anything about him, have never listened to his show, and clearly are a rumor monger. I'll bet you can tell me all about what Britney Spears and Paris Hilton are doing this week, eh? You can't address his comments except to take cheap shots, which is typical of liberals, and you can't just leave somebody alone. You are the type of person that always has to poke at somebody else in order to avoid having to face your own flaws, which I am sure are myriad.
1) So are you saying Rush didn't have a prescription drug "problem"? And I do know enough about Rush to call him a hypocrite on only his stern comments about drug users/abusers.

2) I'm not a regular listener to his show, though I did listen for 1 hour everyday for about a year while I was traveling alot.

3) I'm not defensive about it. I just know the truth. You said something that was false, so I was calling you out on it. And I'll pay $50 US. Considering I have only 300 or so posts, you EASILY have flung more mud around here than me. So my $50 is safe.

4) I'm always prepared to look at my flaws if they need scrutinizing.
RRocket said:
1) So are you saying Rush didn't have a prescription drug "problem"? And I do know enough about Rush to call him a hypocrite on only his stern comments about drug users/abusers.

Your comment clearly implied that he STILL has a problem. That's an old trick, associating someone's past with the present. I suppose you would be a hypocrite, too, since I'm sure you haven't led a perfect life and if you were under the intense scrutiny he continually lives with, we'd surely find things about you that would be termed hypocritical.

Interesting that you never ever comment on any Democrats who are hypocritical, like the Clintons, Kerry, Reid (culture of corruption), Pelosi (Dole foods), and the hundreds of other examples I could mention here.
RRocket said:
2) I'm not a regular listener to his show, though I did listen for 1 hour everyday for about a year while I was traveling alot.

3) I'm not defensive about it. I just know the truth. You said something that was false, so I was calling you out on it. And I'll pay $50 US. Considering I have only 300 or so posts, you EASILY have flung more mud around here than me. So my $50 is safe.

What you said was false, and it's a silly gesture, sort of 3rd grade stuff, stomping your foot and challenging someone to a bet. Just be a man and admit that you don't ever call anybody else out for their name calling.

This is nothing more than a waste of space on your part, trying to hijack a thread rather than let the thread advance or sit on its own. It's trollish.
I'll say it here and now, just for you buddy!!!!

And I strongly believe that. They all lie too.

I'm sure at one time or another I have been a hypocrite. We all have I think.

Hmmm...I don't think I have called anybody else out for their name calling, mainly because I see you do more name-calling than anybody else. But I'll keep my eyes peeled....
fossten said:

— Rush Limbaugh is an American institution.

Hey Fossie,
Shouldn't that read "Rush Limbaugh "Belongs in" an American institution?
Yep, that seems right to me!!!
It must really burn lefties up that Rush Limbaugh and Al Gore are both competing for the Nobel Peace Prize.

MonsterMark said:
It must really burn lefties up that Rush Limbaugh and Al Gore are both competing for the Nobel Peace Prize.


And what is it that Al would be receiving the prize for? His invention of the Internet?
I will say it here and now: EVERYONE at some point in their lives has done something they regret. Hence, everyone at some point in their lives is a hypocrite. It is a pointless and irrelevant argument. Because Mr. Limbaugh was hypocritical at some point in his life, doesn't mean he has no credibility. Heck, I would say he has more credibility on the subject of drug use then a few years ago.
shagdrum said:
Heck, I would say he has more credibility on the subject of drug use then a few years ago.
I heard that Ron (RRocket) is an expert on hemp and its myriad of uses.;)

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