lsbit said:
Good tips! I haven't had the guts to do that work yet. When you clear certain areas, do you always use a spray gun? I have a spray gun and have never even used it. I would probably destroy my garage.
You should have seen what my garage looked like after spending a little time with a cutting torch! WHOA!
I have used spray bombs to patch areas before, and it didn't come out TOO bad, but nothing I would call great.
I'd imagine it was suit heavn with nice confetti strings of black everywhere from the torches? hehe ..
I actually have a few types of gravity feed systems for spraying, i optionally clean the area I'm working with very well, if its cleared on it stays on, unless you sand it out, and sanding small bugs and flys out isn't fun if it happens
So keep the area clean, run a hose and wet the entire floor so if you spray down nothing kicks up, the floor will be wet and hold down all loose particles.
Otherwise * and this is a GREAT paint chip technique.
1.) Find the area you wish to fix the chip in, (provided chip is atleast entire piece of colored paint missing).
2.) Take a small horse hair detailing brush and dab your exact paint on the tip, and simply just hold the brush over the chip or dab it ONCE if its on a verticle piece where you can't "drop" the paint into it. Do this ONCE and let it dry, depending how deep the chip is drop it again in a few hours until it apperas its about even .
3.) Take some clear coat and hardening catalyst (from your local auto paint store) and mix some and put it in a 2 liter, or 20oz bottle cap from a coke bottle. Simply layer and dab the clear on the scratch until it is above the normal paint (as if it were a bump)
If you can lightly setup a heat source for it, don't sand to early, if anything wait over night in a dry environment, that isn't damp. Outside or in a Garage depending your location/climate.
Finally, take some 3000 grain wet/dry sand paper, soak it very well in warm soapy water (auto soap not dish soap!!) and lightly knock it down flat in that area and a little around it, so when its buffed out it all buffs evenly on the chip and just around it so it blends.
I dont recommend a wheel for getting the clear to shine, just rub hard with the same heavy grit 3m compound, follow it with a polish and you'll find that chip completely disappear and shines just as nice as the rest of the car.
The object is build the base of paint up, then clear over the normal paint so its bumpy, knock it down to even, and buff clean.