Dedicated LVC Member
what else is thier to be said!
JohnnyBz00LS said::Beer
Now, was that worth nearly 3000 (and still counting) deaths of US soldiers?
fossten said:Go ask twenty million Iraqis. As a matter of fact, go ask 140,000 soldiers in Iraq. I bet most of them would feel that it was worth it.
I can't tell which is more powerful, your ignorance or your hate.
95DevilleNS said:And the timing couldn't have been better... Seriously now, did anyone ever think he was going to go free?
BLACK SUNSHINE 95LSC said:I Think The Point Of Sadamm On A Lincoln Forum Site Is More Political Than Automotive, But Reguardless Bush Is An Idiot And We Went About It The Wrong Way Ticking Off The International Community Where Most Countries Think We Are Aggogant And Do What We Please, Now There Are More Countries That Want To Harm Us Than When Sadamm Was In There To Begin With.
I Served 4 Years In Army As A Ranger And Airassualt, And I Have So Much Respect For Our Men And Women Dying For Our Country Because Some Moron Idiot In Office Decides To Be Reckless After The Capture Of One Man, One Man, There Are Thousands To Take His Place Now As More Hate Us Than Ever,
Its Ok, I Will Be Laughing Tomorrow Election Day When All The Republicans Lose And Democrats Can Finally Get This Country Back To Respectability Again, Only 2 More Years Of Idiot Bush Unless Someone Busts A Cap In His Hiney..
Glad I Could Unload My Political Opinion On A Lincoln Caddilac Forum..
fossten said:As amateurish and inaccurate as your rant is, you raise a good point which the liberals cannot ignore. If you say that Saddam is only ONE MAN, then you would have to acknowledge that bin Laden is only ONE MAN as well. So all the rhetoric about how we haven't captured him yet is meaningless.
fossten said:Soldiers in Iraq Say Pullout Would Have Devastating Results
JohnnyBz00LS said:In case you didn't notice, Osama Bin Ladin was THE MAN who was responsible for 9/11, Saddam was NOT. A BIG GAPING DIFFERENCE that still escapes your comprehension. But then of course I shouldn't expect so much of a person who still thinks Saddam was responsible for 9/11 and was within a year of having a nuke and possessed WMDs.
Can't you even stay on topic?? Always changing the subject when you get backed into a corner. Just like Percy Wetmore pissing his pants when the convict gets the upper hand.
fossten said:Actually, bin Laden wasn't the mastermind behind the 9/11 attacks. It was Khalid Shaikh Mohammed. Or didn't you hear? And don't misquote me. I never said Saddam was behind the 9/11 attacks. That's a stupid straw man you just erected (no Clinton pun intended) that I've now exposed (no Clinton pun intended).
fossten said:As far as somebody pissing their pants, I can only imagine you on Judgment Day.
JohnnyBz00LS said:Oh Percy please...........
Don't misquote ME, I never said OBL was the "mastermind", that's a stupid straw man you limped (pun intended) out of the closet that I've now torched (pun intended). You know as well as I do that Bin Ladin was responsible (<the word I did use) for 9/11 by providing the financing for it. To pretend now otherwise is to expose yourself as a disingenuous LIAR.
You still contend that Saddam was connected to 9/11 via his (non-existant) ties w/ Al-Quaida. Your backpeddaling on this isn't working, Percy.