same old story, new chapter


Dedicated LVC Member
Jul 3, 2011
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State of Confusion
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so ive finally got my motor issues done. New tranny, upgrade done.I can go out and enjoy just cruisin around (a concept completely lost to most females). Torrential downpour today on and off im on 95 2 xits from home stop n go, im next to a guy in the same 98 black lsc as me were talkin through window. the van in front of me has been doing that slam on the brake to stop and flooring it to go, so he stops. i stop theres like 3 car lengths open in front of him he goes and slams on the brakes just as i hit the gas. mind you im using hand controls, my rear breaks loose as i swerve to just pass nose on left kicking the ass to the right i push hit the brakes but still had fishtailed enough to touch the jersey barrier with left front which pushes me back to the right into the door of the guy i was talking to who is swerving to avoid someone coming in his lane. i do a complete 360 like 5 cars nowhere near us all hit eachother. anyways this guys door is totalled, thats pretty much it for him from me. everyone elses newer cars and their "crumple zones" were destroyed.i thought i was in real bad shape having hit the barrier, his car , and something i think bumped my passenger rear qtr. the only rel thing i need is a passenger side headlamp assy. having heard someone say they found them new for $246 i looked around and found that there are two different headlamps available the halogen and the hid. $254, and $649 respectively as a matter of fact each one has a different price! their at
i buffed out my old ones they look good, but nothing beats new. for 246,and 252, but their halogens can i use the hid anyway? i know they make hid conversion kits for the halogens,i dont know why anyone would want to not have the hid's, but the guy at the desk, welllllll lets just say he was less than informed about anything and could not do much but uuuuhhhh? hhhhmmmmm., he did those above reproach. so my damage is in fact minimal, but aggravating to see nonetheless. i need to know if anyone has a -passenger side assembly and/or if i get the new halogen style can i use my hid's?
and on another hand if i get the new pair it will give me a set to tinker with for a new headlight display. the last set i ant remember who it was right now made a pair with the row of leds that looked amazing.allthe bolt areas snapped off completely so i epoxied them and threw some large washers over the breaks to hold temp.






he sent me this of his door, not the best pic, but he was sitting there. thankn GOD nobody got hurt.


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