Sandy Burglar Hired by Clintons...again


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Scandal-marred Sandy Berger Advising Hillary

Monday, October 8, 2007 10:28 AM

Former Bill Clinton adviser Sandy Berger is now serving as an adviser to candidate Hillary – even though he was caught removing and destroying classified documents from the National Archives and lost his security clearance until September 2008.

Berger – National Security Adviser from 1997 to 2001 – admitted stealing documents from the Archives before the 9/11 Commission hearings in 2003.

The documents were written by counterterrorism czar Richard Clarke, who said they were a harsh review of the Clinton administration’s efforts in dealing with terrorism.

On several occasions, Berger stuffed classified documents into his pants and socks to remove them from the Archives building in Washington, D.C.

Berger first told reporters he had “inadvertently” removed the documents. But in April 2005 he pleaded guilty to a charge of unauthorized removal and retention of classified material from the National Archives. In September 2005 he was fined $50,000, placed on probation for two years, and stripped of his security clearance for three years.

Hillary’s enlistment of Berger as a campaign adviser “shows poor judgment and a lack of regard for Berger’s serious misdeeds,” law professor Jonathan Adler of Case Western Reserve University told

“If Senator Clinton becomes the Democratic nominee, at some point she will begin to receive national security briefings that will include sensitive information. At such a point, continuing to keep Berger on board as a key adviser, where he might have access to sensitive material, would be beyond incomprehensible.”

© 2007 NewsMax. All rights reserved.

It's like Tom DeLay said - Republicans clean out their bad eggs - Democrats reward theirs.

Hillary has zero integrity whatsoever. What if Fred Thompson decided to hire Scooter Libby to help with his campaign? Imagine the outcry.
For over a year Berger also deliberately failed to advise President Clinton that nuclear secrets were being stolen from Los Alamos and given to China. Why would anyone, especially a political candidate, want anything to do with Berger given his track record? It just goes to show how contemptuous Hillary is with respect to attempting to advance a positive image in the eyes of the American people. She must feel overwhelmingly obligated to Berger in light of his willingness to put his freedom on the line by stealing classified documents in order to protect the Clinton legacy--Whatever it may be.

Also, remember when Hillary complained loudly about the republican "culture of corruption"? Now what are we to think when she chooses one of the most despicable and corrupt of persons (Sandy 'The Burglar' Berger) to help her try to win the presidency? :rolleyes:
Berger's removal of documents from the archives was wrong and illegal to be sure. But will the right-wing news sites ever put an end to the myth that the documents he took and destroyed are gone forever? They're not. They were copies. The originals are still safe and sound.

With that said, Hillary is an idiot for getting anywhere near that man. Personally I hope it ruins her chances. Not there's a single Democrat I'd prefer in her place.

For the record, I'm voting for the Whig Party! :D
Hillary is digging herself deeper and deeper into a hole. With this and her rediculous spending, I don't think she should ever be elected. Hopefully, the American public can see this too...
Berger's removal of documents from the archives was wrong and illegal to be sure. But will the right-wing news sites ever put an end to the myth that the documents he took and destroyed are gone forever? They're not. They were copies. The originals are still safe and sound.

With that said, Hillary is an idiot for getting anywhere near that man. Personally I hope it ruins her chances. Not there's a single Democrat I'd prefer in her place.

For the record, I'm voting for the Whig Party! :D
These were not just copies, otherwise why would he have gone to so much trouble to smuggle them out and destroy them? They were copies that had notes in the margins that implicated Clinton.

Who's running on the Whig ticket? :D

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