Sarah Brady proven wrong again


Dedicated LVC Member
Apr 24, 2005
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What else is new, right? Interesting that a bunch of liberals measures success by legislation instead of results.

Idaho - lots of guns, low murder rate, F+ Brady Rating

A recent Idaho Press Tribune article complained about "open gun laws" in Idaho & a well deserved F+ Brady rating. I say well deserved because when it comes to Brady ratings, the lower the grade, the better. It's like Golf - you actually WANT a low score. More on that later.

Fewer restrictions mean the Gem State earned an “F-plus” grade two years ago from the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence regarding state laws shielding families from gun violence. The national grassroots watchdog group noted Idaho has no child access prevention law, no requirements for gun safety locks and safer design standards and a lack of background checks on secondary private sales.

Since when is the Brady campaign to prevent gun ownership a "grass roots" organization (a more appropriate name borrowed from Say Uncle -thanks)? Grass roots to me means that it gets its funding & support primarily from small donations by MANY US citizens. The Brady campaign to prevent gun ownership doesn't even boast thousands of supporters, much less millions. Where does it get its money? Primarily from wealthy anti-gun individuals such as Billionaire George Soros who has donated Millions to anti-gun causes in the US & the World. George Soros & Rosie O'Donnel are fine with taking guns away from common citizens because they'll still have their teams of armed body guards to keep them safe.

It is interesting to note that the press is willing to call the Brady campaign to prevent gun ownership a "grass roots" organization, yet the same press almost always calls the NRA, GOA, SAF, & other gun rights organizations as a conglomerate "the gun lobby." This ignores the fact that the so-called "gun lobby" is run & supported by millions of common individual citizens who are voting members of the groups they've joined in order to contribute to the cause of protecting the 2nd Amendment & the freedoms that our Constitution protects in general. The NRA alone has more than 4 Million members, the Brady campaign to prevent gun ownership doesn't even have thousands of members.

Technically the Brady campaign won't even allow you to "join" their group or to have voting rights in their organization. But they will gladly accept your money - they even tell you on their Brady Center donations page that your contribution will be "tax deductible" since they don't provide you any goods or services. I couldn't agree more, accept that they forgot to mention that they do provide one service - they will do their best to infringe upon your 2nd Amendment rights.

The Brady campaign lists Idaho with an F+ because Idaho does not infringe on the 2nd Amendment as much as the Brady campaign would like it to. You'd think that would mean there was blood on every street corner in Idaho from gun slinging cowboys shooting each other if you believe the hoopla that Brady puts out. It turns out once again that the facts say otherwise.

According to the FBI crime data for 2006, Boise had a population of 198,212 people & only had 6 murders & non-negligent manslaughters. That is a murder rate of 3.03 per 100,000 people. Compare that with Washington DC where handguns are completely banned, and long guns must be kept disassembled or trigger locked making them useless for self defense. The Brady campaign rates DC with a B - they would get an A but they give one area an F because they believe Congress has the ability to repeal the very restrictive DC gun laws. Even with such stellar ratings from the Brady Campaign, in 2006 Washington DC had a population of 581,530 & had 169 murders & non-negligent manslaughters. That is a murder rate of 29.06 per 100,000 people. That is 9.6 TIMES the murder rate in Boise! Nearly 10 times the murder rate!

To sum up, an A or a B from the Brady Campaign to prevent gun ownership is equal to a State with highly infringed or zero gun rights which results in only the criminals having guns. When they give your state an F then you can be sure your state is protecting your 2nd Amendment right to bear arms. In such Free States criminals know that there are armed citizens in their midst which makes them feel less safe to work their evil deeds. Why would criminals want to live in a Free State like Idaho when Washington DC has created such a target rich environment of defenseless victims for them to choose from? Makes it as easy for criminals as shooting fish in a barrel. I'm sure glad that I don't live in that barrel.


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